Using Pandas library to analyze school district data and showcase trends in school performance
By doing this intensive analysis we are answering following questions:
- How is the district summary affected before and after replaced math and reading score of 9th grade from Thomas HighSchool? -As you see in the screen shots below, there was no big effect on the district summary:
- How is the school summary affected before and after replaced math and reading score of 9th grade from Thomas HighSchool? -As yous see the the screen shots, there is no big changes on the school summary. Except for Thomas High School performace.
- How does replacing the 9th grader's math and reading score affetc Thomas High School's performance relative to other schools?
- As you see the screenshots before and after school summary, Thomas High Schools % Passing math, % PAssing reading and %Overall Passing decreased by about 30% respectively;
- How does replacing the 9th grader's score affetc the following:
- Math and reading Score by grade did not get effected;
- Scores by school spending did not get effetced;
- Scores by school size did not get effected;
- Score by school type did not get effected;
There are four changes in the updated district analysis after reading and math scores for the ninth grade at Thomas High School have been replaced with NaNs:
1. % Passing math decresed from 93.27% to 66.91%;
2. % Passing reading decresed from 97.30% to 69.66%;
3. %Overall Passing decresed from 90.94% to 65.07%;
4. Thomas High School performace rank dropped from 2nd place to 13th place;