This is the file for the final course project for Johns Hopkins "Getting and Cleaning Data" Coursera course. The code found in "run_analysis.R" completes the assignment in 6 total steps (4 of which were specified in the assignment instructions).
- Generate a new directory "courseproject" in the current working directory, along with "data" and "output" subdirectories. Alongside this, the data is downloaded from the internet and placed into the "data" directory - so there is no need to have the data in your current working directory.
- The "test" and "train" datasets are merged together. This is preceded by a number of merges within the train and test datasets. This results in a merged dataframe named "tidydata".
- The "tidydata" dataframe is trimmed so that only columns related to the mean and standard deviation of the variables are included - the rest is dropped.
- The "tidydata" dataframe is then appropriately labeled (not only the column names, but also the factor levels of activity).
- A second tidy dataset "tidydatafinal" is created with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
- "tidydatafinal" is then written to a .txt file as "tidydata.txt" in the output directory.
Note that the final dataset "tidydata.txt" is contained in the courseproject/output folder in this repository.