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Nicolò Sonnino edited this page May 27, 2020 · 32 revisions


System Requirements

  • Linux, MacOS or Windows OS with an active terminal.
  • Java SE JDK 14 (OracleJDK or OpenJDK).
  • Maven framework version 3.0 (or newer).

WARNING: For the best CLI experience, we suggest using a native linux terminal with a font size set to 12 (or below), a line spacing set to 0.9 (or below) and a screen resolution of 1920x1080. The terminal should run in fullscreen mode or maximized window mode. If these requirements are not met we cannot ensure a high quality CLI experience.


Download conEmu terminal.

If you use Windows Subsytem for Linux (WSL) or MinGW you can skip to Linux installation steps.

Download Oracle Java 14 or OpenJDK 14.

Extract content from the zip folder to your preferred location, then go to Start>Edit the system environment variables>Environment Variables ...

In the User Section select Path variable and click on Edit; select New and type C:\Users\<your-user>\<path-to-extracted-folder>\bin, then save and exit.

Open Start>cmd.exe and verify your Java version by typing the folowing command: java -version

Download Maven.

Extract to preferred location and repreat above steps.

Verify your Maven version by typing the folowing command: mvn --version


If you want to download Maven and JavaJDK with your package manager be sure to fullfill the system requirements otherwise follow the next steps.

Download JavaJDK based on your distro or OpenJDK 14 here.

Linux Platforms

Navigate to your preferred install location and extract the .tar.gz archive file using:

tar zxvf jdk-14.<version-number>-x64_bin.tar.gz

Now let's set the PATH variable by typing the following code:

cd $HOME

nano .bashrc

Add the following line to the end of .bashrc:

export PATH=/<path-to-extracted-folder/bin:$PATH

Verify your Java version by typing the folowing command: java -version

Debian-Based Linux Platforms


sudo apt install /path/to/package/name.deb

Verify your Java version by typing the folowing command: java -version

RPM-Based Linux Platforms

Type the following command to install the package:

rpm -ivh jdk-14.<version-number>-x64_bin.rpm

Upgrade the package using the following command:

rpm -Uvh jdk-14.<version-number>-x64_bin.rpm

You can now delete the .rpm file and very your installation by typing: java -version