diff --git a/App/Data/2019Data.jsx b/App/Data/2019Data.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8c44dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/Data/2019Data.jsx
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+import React from 'react';
+import { MDBDataTable } from 'mdbreact';
+import WMOExtremeClimateIndicesreport2019FIN from '../content/pdfs/WMOExtremeClimateIndicesreport2019FIN.pdf'
+import AnnualStateoftheClimate2019 from '../content/pdfs/AnnualStateoftheClimate2019.pdf'
+const ReportYearData = () => {
+ const data = {
+ columns: [
+ {
+ label: 'Title',
+ field: 'title',
+ sort: 'asc',
+ width: 150
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Source',
+ field: 'source',
+ sort: 'asc',
+ width: 150
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Document Reference',
+ field: 'docref',
+ sort: 'asc',
+ width: 150
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Link',
+ field: 'link',
+ sort: 'asc',
+ width: 150
+ }
+ ],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ title: "Annual State of the Climate of South Africa 2019",
+ source: "SAWS",
+ docref: "WCS-CLS-CI-ASC-2019",
+ link: [link]
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Trends in Extreme Climate Indices in South Africa 2019",
+ source: "SAWS",
+ link: [link]
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ return (
+ <>
Please note that you are accessing the Beta Version of NCCIS website, which is in the process of being tested before its official release on March 2020. The sole purpose of this BETA Version is to conduct testing and obtain feedback.
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+South Africa is susceptible to a number of extreme weather events with the most common being floods, droughts, fires and large storms. Other disaster risks include lighting strikes, heat waves, hail damage, wind storms and sea level rise as well as possible increases in health related disasters.
+Meteorological droughts (below average precipitation) are the most frequent disasters with 237 events being declared between 2006 and 2019. The second and third most frequent disasters are flash floods and riverine floods and the fourth agricultural drought events (low soil moisture).
+Drought impacts stem from a combination of factors. Increasing rainfall variability is one aspect, but how this affects communities depends upon how well people, the economy and the environment can adapt.
+Various factors may undermine people’s ability to withstand reduced water availability (a meteorological drought) and to prevent it from developing into agricultural and hydrological drought with social, economic and environmental impacts.
Creating an enabling environment for both climate change adaptation and disaster risk management is critical to ensure future resilience. Both disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation aim to mitigate climate-related risks by reducing and modifying environmental and human factors in order to support sustainable economic and social development (Davis-Reddy & Vincent 2017).
-The National Climate Change Response White Paper (NCCRP) highlights disaster management as a key area of development for the country, due to the expected increase in extreme climatic events. This commitment is illustrated by the fact that the national government’s investment in disaster risk reduction and emergency response has risen from US$ 0.02 bn. to US$ 0.7 bn. between 2010 and 2015, as part of the total increase of investment in adaptation which rose from US$ 1.64 bn. to US$ 2.31 bn.
+The Climate Risk and Vulnerability Handbook for Southern Africa (2nd Edition), emphasises that creating an enabling environment for both climate change adaptation and disaster risk management is critical to ensure future resilience. Both disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation aim to mitigate climate-related risks by reducing and modifying environmental and human factors in order to support sustainable economic and social development.
+The National Climate Change Response White Paper (NCCRP) highlights disaster management as a key area of development for the country, due to the expected increase in extreme climatic events. This commitment is illustrated by the fact that the national government’s investment in disaster risk reduction and emergency response has risen from US$ 0.02 bn. to US$ 0.7 bn. between 2010 and 2015, as part of the total increase of investment in adaptation which rose from US$ 1.64 bn. to US$ 2.31 bn.
In March 2015, the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) adopted the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which was later endorsed by the UN General Assembly in its 69th session. The Sendai Framework provides the basis for a risk-informed and resilient future. The Sendai Framework specifically addresses climate change and climate action, providing measures, guiding principles and means of implementation. Sendai outcomes are a significant milestone in international cooperation for building resilience to climate-related disasters. The Sendai Framework establishes the significance of ensuring credible links on the post-2015 agenda including the sustainable development goals, financing for development, climate change and disaster risk reduction and the calls for enhanced coherence across policies, institutions, indicators, reporting and measurement systems for implementation (UNISDR, 2015).
+In March 2015, the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) adopted the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which was later endorsed by the UN General Assembly in its 69th session. The Sendai Framework provides the basis for a risk-informed and resilient future. The Sendai Framework specifically addresses climate change and climate action, providing measures, guiding principles and means of implementation. Sendai outcomes are a significant milestone in international cooperation for building resilience to climate-related disasters. The Sendai Framework establishes the significance of ensuring credible links on the post-2015 agenda including the sustainable development goals, financing for development, climate change and disaster risk reduction and the calls for enhanced coherence across policies, institutions, indicators, reporting and measurement systems for implementation.
Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (the main cause of anthropogenic climate change) have increased steadily since the industrial revolution.
The rate of emissions, however, have been steadily increasing over time, and computer models of the earth's climate system (including both natural and human causes) are unable to simulate recent warming unless they include anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. Computer models of the earth’s climate which include only natural forcings (e.g. solar variability due to both internal and orbital variations, volcanic activity etc.) simulate a cooling of the earth after 1960, which is at odds with the observed warming.
-This has led the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( {event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-ipcc");}} class="text-link">IPCC) to conclude recently that most of the warming of the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.
+This has led the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( {event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-ipcc");}} className="text-link">IPCC) to conclude recently that most of the warming of the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.
{event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-cc");}} class="text-link">Climate change refers to a change in the average weather experienced in a particular region or location. The change may occur over periods ranging from decades to millennia. It may affect one or more seasons (e.g. summer, winter or the whole year) and involves changes in one or more aspects of the weather e.g. rainfall, temperature or winds. Its causes may be natural (e.g. due to periodic changes in the earth’s orbit, volcanoes and solar variability) or attributable to human (anthropogenic) activities e.g. increasing emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2, land use change and/or emissions of aerosols. ‘Climate change’ often refers to changes due only to anthropogenic causes.
-{event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-gw");}} class="text-link">Global warming refers only to the overall warming of the Earth, based on average increases in temperature over the entire land and ocean surface. Climate change is more than simply an increase in global temperatures; it encompasses changes in regional climate characteristics, including temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind, and extreme weather events, which have economic and social dimensions.
-{event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-cv");}} class="text-link">Climate variability refers to variations in climate on all spatial and temporal scales beyond that of individual weather events. This variability may be caused by natural internal processes within the climate system. One of the most important (and widely known) examples of natural climate variability is the {event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-enso");}} class="text-link">El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Variations may also be caused by external influences which may be due to naturally-occurring phenomena (such as periodic changes in the earth’s orbit around the sun).
+{event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-cc");}} className="text-link">Climate change refers to a change in the average weather experienced in a particular region or location. The change may occur over periods ranging from decades to millennia. It may affect one or more seasons (e.g. summer, winter or the whole year) and involves changes in one or more aspects of the weather e.g. rainfall, temperature or winds. Its causes may be natural (e.g. due to periodic changes in the earth’s orbit, volcanoes and solar variability) or attributable to human (anthropogenic) activities e.g. increasing emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2, land use change and/or emissions of aerosols. ‘Climate change’ often refers to changes due only to anthropogenic causes.
+{event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-gw");}} className="text-link">Global warming refers only to the overall warming of the Earth, based on average increases in temperature over the entire land and ocean surface. Climate change is more than simply an increase in global temperatures; it encompasses changes in regional climate characteristics, including temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind, and extreme weather events, which have economic and social dimensions.
+{event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-cv");}} className="text-link">Climate variability refers to variations in climate on all spatial and temporal scales beyond that of individual weather events. This variability may be caused by natural internal processes within the climate system. One of the most important (and widely known) examples of natural climate variability is the {event.preventDefault(); window.open("#/info-glossary/#bm-enso");}} className="text-link">El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Variations may also be caused by external influences which may be due to naturally-occurring phenomena (such as periodic changes in the earth’s orbit around the sun).
Content written by Claire Davis-Reddy and based on Chapter 3 of South Africa’s Third National Communication to the UNFCCC (link to Report)
-In South Africa, significant progress has been made in projecting and understanding climate change for the region, providing an increasingly robust basis for strategy and policy development. The content presented here draws on recent subsets of future climate projections for the country:
+In South Africa, significant progress has been made in projecting and understanding climate change for the region, providing an increasingly robust basis for strategy and policy development. The content presented here based on the information in Chapter 3 of South Africa's Third National Communication to the UNFCCC and draws on recent subsets of future climate projections for the country:
Changes in climate are based on the latest set of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs); RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. RCP 4.5 describes a future with relatively ambitious emission reductions whereas RCP 8.5 describes a future with no reductions in emissions. Emissions in RCP 4.5 peak around 2040, then decline and in RCP 8.5 emissions continue to rise throughout the 21st century.
South Africa has been warming significantly over the period 1931-2015. Over the western parts of the country, including much of the Western and Northern Cape, and also in the east over Gauteng, Limpopo and the east coast of KwaZulu-Natal, the observed rate of warming has been 2 °C/century or even higher – in the order of twice the global rate of temperature increase.
Associated increases in the annual number of hot days have also occurred, but there have been decreases in the annual number of cold nights over most of the country.
There is strong evidence of statistically significant increases in rainfall occurring over the southern interior regions, extending from the western interior of the Eastern Cape and eastern interior of the Western Cape northwards into the central interior region of the Northern Cape, over the period 1921-2015.
-South Africa's 3rd National Communication to the UNFCCC, provides an updated analysis of trends in temperature, rainfall and extreme events.
+Extreme indices developed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) provide an understanding on how climate extreme (temperature and rainfall) have changed over time.
Extreme indices developed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) were utilised. The analysis builds on the studies of Kruger & Sekele (2012) and Mackellar et al. (2014).
A total of 27 weather stations was used for temperature trends analysis spanning the period 1931-2015. For rainfall, a total of 60 weather stations were used for the rainfall trend analysis spanning the period 1921-2015. The base period, from which the annual index values of all indices are determined (except the annual maxima and minima) was selected as 1981 – 2010, which can be considered to be the present general norm for similar trend studies.
The trends were tested for significance at the 95% confidence level. In each map the arrows indicate the direction of change (increasing or decreasing), and the size of the arrows the magnitude of change. Shaded symbols indicate significant trends at the 5% level.
+Read more
+Chapter 3 South Africa's 3rd National Communication to the UNFCCC, provides an updated analysis of trends in temperature, rainfall and extreme events.
+ The analysis builds on the studies of Kruger & Sekele (2012) and Mackellar et al. (2014). +Content written by Claire Davis-Reddy and based on Chapter 3 of South Africa’s Third National Communication to the UNFCCC (link to Document)
-There is a constantly growing body of sectoral knowledge on climate change vulnerability. South Africa saw a great expansion of information from the Second National Communication (2011) to the much more detailed and in-depth Long Term Adaptation Scenarios (LTAS) reports (2013/2014) and the information provided in the Let's Respond Toolkit.
-The information on this page provides a summarised review of the most significant climate change risks and vulnerabilities for the following sectors; Agriculture and Forestry, Water Resources, Forestry, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Coastal Zone, Health, and Urban and Rural Settlements. A summary of the key impacts of climate change on these sectors in shown in Table below.
+There is a constantly growing body of sectoral knowledge on climate change vulnerability. South Africa saw a great expansion of information from the Second National Communication (2011) to the much more detailed and in-depth Long Term Adaptation Scenarios (LTAS) reports (2013/2014) and the information provided in the Let's Respond Toolkit.
+The information on this page provides a summarised review of the most significant climate change risks and vulnerabilities based on the information in Chapter 3 of South Africa's Third National Communication to the UNFCCC. Information is presented for the following sectors; Agriculture and Forestry, Water Resources, Forestry, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Coastal Zone, Health, and Urban and Rural Settlements. A summary of the key impacts of climate change on these sectors in shown in Table below.
NFCS strives to enable society to better manage the risks and opportunities arising from climate variability and change, especially for those who are most vulnerable to climate related hazards.
+The NFCS will mainstream and enhance climate observations and monitoring information, forecasting and prediction and transform these into sector -specific products and applications that can be disseminated widely, and further develop users’ capacity to manage risks of climate variability and change at all levels. This will be done through developing and incorporating science based climate information into planning, policy and practice. To be effective, the NFCS-SA will be user driven, and will address the entire value chain for the production, processing and application of climate services through local, regional and global collaborative efforts. The NFCS-SA will serve as one of enabling tools for South Africa, in the transition towards building a climate resilient country.
+The NFCS has five overarching goals, namely:
+NFCS strives to enable society to better manage the risks and opportunities arising from climate variability and change, especially for those who are most vulnerable to climate related hazards.
+The NFCS will mainstream and enhance climate observations and monitoring information, forecasting and prediction and transform these into sector -specific products and applications that can be disseminated widely, and further develop users’ capacity to manage risks of climate variability and change at all levels. This will be done through developing and incorporating science based climate information into planning, policy and practice. To be effective, the NFCS-SA will be user driven, and will address the entire value chain for the production, processing and application of climate services through local, regional and global collaborative efforts. The NFCS-SA will serve as one of enabling tools for South Africa, in the transition towards building a climate resilient country.
+The NFCS has five overarching goals, namely:
+Contact Tsepang for CCIS Project-related discussions. +
tmakholela [at] environment.gov.za +Discuss new data products and ideas with Claire, as well as stakeholder engagement. +
claire [at] saeon.ac.za +Talk to Leo about data access and contributing your data, as well as data agreements between your organisation and SAEON or DEFF. +
leo [at] saeon.ac.za +If you encounter any technical issues, please submit a ticket to our support desk where we will keep you notified as the issue is resolved.
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