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Hands-on: IoT Scenario


You are using SAP Data Hub 2.4, developer edition, and have both containers datahub and hdfs running. You can check it by executing

docker ps -f "ancestor=datahub"

Install psutil in datahub container

psutil is a cross-platform system monitoring in Python:

You need to install psutil in your datahub container. The container is running on openSUSE OS, so its software packages are managed by zypper.

In your host terminal execute:

docker exec datahub zypper in --no-confirm gcc python3-pip python3-devel
docker exec datahub pip install --upgrade pip
docker exec datahub pip3 install psutil
docker exec datahub pip3 show psutil

Build custom operator ”Laptop as IoT device”

Create a new custom operator

Go to the Modeler window. Switch to Operators and click on + (Create operator) icon.

Populate fields as following:

Field Value
Name codejam.iot.laptop
Display name Laptop as IoT device
Base Operator Python3Operator
Category CodeJam (type it, if not existing)

Click Ok

Configure the operator

Scroll to Output Ports. Add one new output port.

Field Value
name payload
type string

Scroll to Operator Configuration -> Parameters. Add one new parameter.

Field Value
name intervalMs
type String
default value 2000

Under “Operator Configuration” click on Auto Propose.

The “Type” will change to codejam.iot.laptop. Click edit icon Open Type Schema next to it.

On the Edit type form click on intervalMs property and complete configuration with:

Field Value
Title Interval (ms)
Description Interval in microseconds
Data type Number
Required True

Click OK to close the type configuration.

Scroll to Script and in Inline Editor paste code

import psutil   #
import time
import uuid
import json
# import sys, platform # if need to read system params, like OS type

def readCPU():
    return psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=1)

def readMEM():
    return psutil.virtual_memory().percent

def readPayload():

    d_pctCPU = readCPU()
    d_pctMEM = readMEM()
    d_tstamp = int(round(time.time()))
    api.logger.debug("Values to post: {} {}".format(d_pctCPU, d_tstamp))

    payload = { 'guid' : deviceUIID, 'timestmp' : d_tstamp, 'cpu_load' : d_pctCPU, 'mem_load' : d_pctMEM }
    api.logger.debug("Payload: ", str(payload))

    return json.dumps(payload)

def do_tick():
    api.send("payload", readPayload())

global deviceUIID
deviceUIID = str(uuid.uuid1())

intervalMs = int(api.config.intervalMs)
if intervalMs < 1001:
    intervalMs = 1001

api.add_timer(str(intervalMs-1000)+"ms", do_tick)

Click on an area (or puzzle icon) next to the operator name...

Custom operator icon

...and change its source to an icon laptop. Click Ok.

Save the operator's configuration and close the tab “Laptop as IoT device”.

On the left in “Operators” tab scroll to the group category “CodeJam” and check the new operator Laptop as IoT device is there.

Customer operator

Build a graph to send the IoT data

Add an “IoT device” operator

Switch to Graphs tab. Create a new graph.

Search for an operator “Laptop as IoT Device” and add it to your new graph.

Save the graph with parameters.

Field Value
Name codejam.iot.mqtttcp.iotdevicepy3
Description IoT Device streaming on MQTT-TCP
Category CodeJam (type it if not yet existing)

Click on Show Configuration of the graph. Change the icon to a laptop. Save the graph.

You should see an icon of the graph changed in CodeJam category.

Graph with the new icon

Add an MQTT Producer operator

Add an MQTT Producer operator to the graph. Open a configuration of this operator.

Modify additional parameters as following.

Field Value
mqttBroker tcp:// tcp://
topic sapcodejam/<location>/iot/<name_of_your_computer>, e.g. sapcodejam/wro/iot/WAWN34063733A
mqttClientID pcjdhi<location><your-user-ID>, e.g. pcjdhiwro00

For MQTT protocol to work it is extremely important that each client has a unique ID!

Connect payload out port from “Laptop…” operator to inmessage in port of MQTT Producer.

Run the graph

Save and run the graph.

After some time you should see it is “running” in the Status tab.

Click on the name of the graph there to show status details.

Now switch to Metrics tab. You should see “MQTT Producer Package Count” increasing from time to time.

[Optional] Run MQTT Mosquitto client

Go to your terminal and run a container with a Mosquitto software, which contains popular mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub command line MQTT clients.

docker run -d -p 1883:1883 -p 9001:9001 --name mosquitto eclipse-mosquitto

If not previously pulled, then this command should download and start the container mosquitto, that includes required Mosquitto MQTT client tools.

Now you can check messages arriving to the MQTT broker using mosquitto_sub client.

docker exec mosquitto mosquitto_sub -h -t "sapcodejam/+/iot/#" -v

Mosquitto clinet

Build a graph to receive the IoT data

Create a new graph.

In graph’s configuration set the following.

Field Value
description Process IoT data
icon area-chart

Save the graph with following parameters.

Field Value
Name codejam.iot.mqtttcp.dataprocess
Category CodeJam

Add an MQTT Consumer

Add an MQTT Consumer operator.

Define parameters of the operator as following.

Field Value
mqttBroker tcp:// tcp://
topic sapcodejam/+/iot/#
mqttClientID ccjdhi<location><your-user-ID>, e.g. ccjdhiwaw00

For MQTT protocol to work it is extremely important that each client has a unique ID! Please note, that for MQTT server this graph is a client different than the one sending IoT data from the previous graph.

Add “HTML Viewer” and “Python3” operators

Drag HTML Viewer operator to the graph. It requires generated HTML page as an input. You will use Python3 script to generate it, so drag a Python3Operator operator to the chart as well.

Build the code for real-time dashboard

Right click on Python3Operator and add three ports to it.

The first one will be the message received from MQTT producer.

Field Value
name inmsg
type message
direction Input

The second one will be the code for HTML Viewer with following parameters.

Field Value
name outhtml
type string
direction Output

The third one will be the IoT data to pass to persistence storage with following parameters.

Field Value
name outblob
type blob
direction Output

Now right click on the Python3 operator and open the script. Replace sample code with the following

import time
import locale
import json
#import ast

# Number of max devices
max_devices_qty = 100


def main(payload):
    last_timestamp = int(round(time.time()))
    ubody = payload.body.decode("utf-8") # Must be converted to Unicode first

    #body = ast.literal_eval(ubody) #ast.literal_eval works only with strings, but can be improperly formatted JSON, like a result of str(json_object)

    body['loc_timestmp'] = last_timestamp

    guid = body["guid"]
    del body["guid"]
    devices[guid] = body

    message = ""
    message = generate_html_head(message)
    message = generate_html_body(message, last_timestamp)

# Generates head of HTML/CSS, including Style parameters
def generate_html_head(message):
    message += '''

body {
    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
    background: #b5b5bf;
table.dataTable {
  border: 1px solid #1C6EA4;
  background-color: #EEEEEE;
  text-align: center;
  border-collapse: collapse;
table.dataTable td, table.dataTable th {
  border: 2px solid #AAAAAA;
  padding: 3px 2px;
table.dataTable tbody td {
  font-size: 15px;
table.dataTable thead {
  background: #1C6EA4;
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #5592bb 0%, #327cad 66%, #1C6EA4 100%);
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #5592bb 0%, #327cad 66%, #1C6EA4 100%);
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #5592bb 0%, #327cad 66%, #1C6EA4 100%);
  border-bottom: 2px solid #888888;
table.dataTable thead th {
  font-size: 15px;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #FFFFFF;
  text-align: center;
  border-left: 2px solid #D0E4F5;
table.dataTable thead th:first-child {
  border-left: none;

table.dataTable tfoot td {
  font-size: 14px;
table.dataTable tfoot .links {
  text-align: right;
table.dataTable tfoot .links a{
  display: inline-block;
  background: #1C6EA4;
  color: #FFFFFF;
  padding: 2px 8px;
  border-radius: 5px;
    return message

# Concatenates HTML body to previously generated head.
def generate_html_body(message, last_timestamp):
    # Title, description and table header
    message += '''


<h2> Prototype IoT Data Viewer </h2>
<p style="margin-left:15%; margin-right:15%"> The purpose of this Graph is to serve as a stub for the HTML Viewer operator.
Combining the HTML Viewer with a Python Operator, it is possible to adapt IoT data for real time display in a simple and flexible manner.

The data structure generation is happening in the Python3 Operator, which is messaging a String containing an HTML page to the HTML Viewer
through WebSocket with every update. The HTML Viewer then updates the display as soon as a message is received.

Last time stamp: {}

<table class="dataTable" id="salesTable">
<th style="width:400px"> Device UUID </th>
<th style="width:300px"> Last timestamp </th>
<th style="width:100px"> CPU % </th>
<th style="width:100px"> Mem % </th>

    # Iterates each store to add them to table
    for i in devices:
        message += '''
<td> {} </td>
<td> {} </td>
<td> {} %</td>
<td> {} %</td>
        locale.format("%.2f", devices[i]["cpu_load"], 1),
        locale.format("%.2f", devices[i]["mem_load"], 1)

    message += '''
    return message

# Sends the String containing HTML page through WebSocket
def send_html(message):
    api.send("outhtml", message)

# Sends the String containing HTML page through WebSocket
def send_blob(blb):
    api.send("outblob", blb)

api.send("outhtml", "Waiting for data...")
devices = {} #Empty dictionary

api.set_port_callback("inmsg", main)

Close the tab with the script.

Now back in the graph’s diagram view connect following ports:

  • outmessage from MQTT Consumer to inmsg of Python3Operator
  • outhtml from Python3Operator to in1 of HTML Viewer

Save and Run this graph. Check as well if “IoT Device streaming on MQTT-TCP” (codejam.iot.mqtttcp.iotdevicepy3) is still running. If not, then start it as well.

Show Status Details for “Process IoT data” graph and then right click on “HTML Viewer” to open the UI.

If all processes are configured properly and running, then in the new web browser window you should get SAP Data Hub HTML Viewer. With every new update on its input port the view will be refreshed and you should see a real-time table with all the laptops (at least one – yours) sending there CPU and Memory load readings.

[Optional] Extend the graph to persist data in HDFS

Stop the graph Process IoT data.

Now you want to persist received data in CSV files in HDFS for historical analysis.

Data is received as a JSon payload, so it has to be reformatted to CSV format.

Include Format Converter operator from Utilities category into the graph.

Connect outblob port of Python3Operator with input port of the Format Converter. Open configuration of the Format Converter and modify the following parameters.

Field Value
Target Format CSV
Fields guid,timestmp,cpu_load,mem_load,loc_timestmp

These are the keys of JSon documents that arrive from Python3Operator. And we will extract only values and save them to a file.

Add operator Write File.

Connect out port output of “Format Converter” to the in port inFile of Write File.

Open Configuration of Write File operator and change “service” to hdfs.

Next open “Connection” property to edit as a “Form” and provide following connection parameters.

Field Value
Configuration Type Manual
HDFS Host hdfs (this is the name of the host defined during docker run … command for hdfs container)
HDFS Port 9000
Protocol rpc
User root

HDFS connection string

Click Save.

Back to the Configuration of Write File operator, where you need to modify one last property as following.

Field Value
Path /tmp/iot/laptops_<date>.txt

Save the graph.

Run graphs and check HDFS

Run both graphs “Process IoT data” and “IoT Device streaming…”.

Now you can go back to your laptop terminal, where you run docker commands and execute the following.

docker exec hdfs hdfs dfs -ls /tmp/iot

The output should contain a newly created file with today’s date, like e.g. /tmp/iot/laptops_20191212.txt

Let’s see what is written to a file. Run the following command.

docker exec hdfs hdfs dfs -cat /tmp/iot/laptops_*.txt | tail


This is the end of the scenario, where we built two graphs:

  1. to simulate IoT device with CPU and Memory loads as sensors
  2. to receive data from all IoT devices and build two processing flows in one graph:
  • producing real-time dashboard, and
  • storing historical data in HDFS for later analysis.