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class net.SMTPConnection

Ayhan Rashidov edited this page Oct 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

$.net.SMTPConnection Class

Class for sending $.net.Mail objects via SMTP connection.


  • SAP Help$.net.SMTPConnection.html

  • Module

  • Sample usage:
var net = $.net

// Create email from JS Object.
var mail = new net.Mail({
   sender: {address: ""},
   to: [{ name: "John Doe", address: ""}, {name: "Jane Doe", address: ""}],
   cc: [{address: ""}, {address: ""}],
   bcc: [{ name: "Jonnie Doe", address: ""}],
   subject: "subject",
   subjectEncoding: "UTF-8",
   parts: [ new net.Mail.Part({
       type: net.Mail.Part.TYPE_TEXT,
       text: "The body of the mail.",
       contentType: "text/plain",
       encoding: "UTF-8",

// Set mail server configurations.
let mailConfig = {
    "mail.user": "<your-user>",
    "mail.password": "<your-password>",
    "mail.transport.protocol": "smtps",
    "": "<your-mail-provider-host>",
    "mail.smtps.port": "465",
    "mail.smtps.auth": "true"

var smtp = new net.SMTPConnection(mailConfig);
let returnValue = smtp.send(mail);

  • Coverage
Methods Return Type Description Status
close() void Mocked. The SMTP Connection is now automatically closed after calling the send method.
isClosed() boolean Mocked. The SMTP Connection is always closed.
send(Mail) void Accepts and sends the net.Mail class.
  • Issues

  • Unit Tests

  • Integration Tests ❌

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✅ - Feature implemented and working as supposed.
⚠️ - Feature partially implemented and needs to be finished.
❌ - Feature not implemented yet.



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