In this section, we'll perform the following exercises to create a story about Bookshop Sales 360 with SAP Analytics Cloud
- ❗❗❗ IMPORTANT ❗❗❗ - PLEASE IGNORE THIS EXERCISE: this exercise gives instructions to create a live connection to DWC. However, a connection has been already prepared for you in the SAC environment DV305_Exercise01: Create a live connection from SAP Analytics Cloud to SAP Data Warehouse Cloud for consuming the perspectives of Book Sales Consumption Model, which are the result of day 2 exercise DV200_Exercise05
- DV305_Exercise02: Create a model by acquiring dataset from sales_order_items_all_exended.csv and fill-in the missing book title with data wrangling.
- DV307_Exercise01: Create a Bookshop Sales 360 story by consuming the live data to the perspective All_Bool_Sales_Order of Book Sales Consumption Model created in DV200_Exercise05
- DV307_BonusExercise: Create a Bookshop Sales 360 story by consuming the live data to the view V_BL_Book_Sales created in DV200_Exercise06_Bonus_Exercise, which starts with exploring data.
- DV310_Exercise01: Create a Smart Sales Insight page with Search-to-Insight and Smart Insight as part of Bookshop Sales 360 story.
- DV330_Exercise01: Book Sales Forecast with Preditive Planning in SAP Analytics Cloud
- DV360_Exercise01: Create an Analytic Application and implement event for widgets interaction.
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