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Breaking Changes

Jenna Badanowski edited this page May 4, 2020 · 3 revisions


After the upgrade to standard-version@7 on 4/29/20, this page will no longer be maintained. Breaking changes will be marked appropriately in the CHANGELOG


Checkbox, FormRadioItem, FormSelect, FormTextArea #968

  • state prop updated to latest: [error, warning, success, information]

TextArea #968

  • removed children prop, use value instead

Menu #961

  • removed addonBefore prop

ComboBox #958

  • no longer takes a list prop, instead, it takes an options array of shape {key, text}

Select #958

  • no longer takes children, instead, it takes an options array of shape {key, text}

Checkbox #954

  • labelClasses -> labelClassName

DatePicker #934

  • remove validDateLookup module from distribution package

FormSet: removed #932


remove fonts from package, update ActionBar, Button and InfoLabel #908

  • Fonts are no longer included in each component, follow instruction in readme to include fonts in your own project.
  • New peer dependency on @sap-theming/theming-base-content
  • Counter
    • moved from Badge folder to Counter folder - import as import { Counter } from 'fundamental-react/Counter'
  • Badge, Label
    • removed, use new InfoLabel component
  • ActionBar
    • Removed ActionBar.Back, ActionBar.Header, ActionBar.Actions component, now built into ActionBar via props
  • Button
    • option=‘light’ to option=‘transparent’

update fundamental-styles to 0.7.0-rc.13 (#890) (9ca9c4d)

  • Modal
    • renamed Dialog
    • removed closeProps
    • actions now required
  • Button
    • underlying class name changes
  • ButtonGroup
    • classname changed to fd-segmented-button
  • Tab
    • remove disabled prop
    • change underlying html - added span around tab text
  • Shellbar
    • logo <a> is now <span>
    • added <div> around Identifier component
  • Alert
    • renamed MessageStrip
    • classname changes
    • removed Icon from underlying html
  • Dropdown
    • renamed Select
    • remove standard prop
  • ListGroup
    • renamed “List”
    • classname changes
    • so many changes! basically a new component!
  • MultiInput
    • underlying html changes
    • Popover body now built with List component
    • lots of underlying html changes for validation states
    • state prop replaced with validationState - takes object
    • localizedText prop removed
  • Combobox Input
    • underlying html changes
    • menu prop renamed list - now takes List component
    • state prop now validationState - takes an object
  • FormMessage
    • now a <div> from <span>
  • InputGroup
    • state prop now validationState - takes an object
    • underlying html changes to include FormMessage when passed validationState
  • SearchInput
  • Toggle
    • renamed to “Switch”
    • removed size options, now use compact property
    • labelProps no longer needed, additional props will be spread to the <label> element
    • underlying html changes - no longer wrapped in FormItem
  • Checkbox
    • new children prop
    • value prop changed
    • underlying html has changed significantly
  • FormRadioItem
    • underlying html has changed significantly
  • FormMessage
    • now an internal component
  • FormInput
    • removed state property
    • new validationState property
  • FormItem
    • remove isHorizontal prop
    • remove isInline prop (was internal only)
  • FormRadioGroup
    • now outputs <div> instead of Fragment
  • FormLabel
    • remove isCheckbox prop
    • remove isRadio prop
    • removed isToggle prop

upgrade fundamental-styles to 0.4.0-rc.24 (#878) (abe8d31)

  • FormRadioGroup
    • div to Fragment to match html from Fundamental Styles
  • FormItem
    • isInline becomes internal only prop as it is only meant for Checkboxes and Radios
  • FormRadioItem
    • inline prop becomes internal use only - should only be applied to FormRadioGroup
  • InputGroup
    • fixed compact prop so that appropriate fd-input-group__addon—compact class is added to InputGroup.Addon
  • MultiInput
    • changed placeHolder prop to placeholder
  • FormMessage
    • changed types options: help -> information
  • Alert
    • div for text changed to p

replace withStyles wrapper with useEffect and remove customStyles property (#873) (6b72a7e)

  • customStyles prop removed from all components
  • withStyles wrapper removed from all components

allow adding classes to both modal body (removing extraneous div) and backdrop (#845) (f480cbc)

  • Modal
    • className prop now adds classes to fd-modal div, backdropClassName adds classes to fd-overlay div, before className added classes to fd-overlay div.

update to fundamental-styles@0.4.0-rc.3 (#848) (6a63a21)

  • SideNav
    • Now uses nested-list styles and structure
    • Added utility nav
  • Button
    • medium button removed
  • Calendar
    • Month and year selectors changed from ul to table
    • Adds role="button" to each selectable calendar item
    • Adds aria-selected attribute to the currently-selected calendar item.

update fundamental-styles to 0.3.0 (#846) (9b1b28b)

  1. Menu
  • separator prop and <hr> removed from MenuItem
  • separated prop added to MenuList
  • addonBefore prop passed down into MenuItem in order to render addon span
  • addon node changed to span and is now wrapped within the a
  1. Shellbar
  • ProductSwitcher renamed to ProductSwitch
  • Import ProductSwitch css file
  • Removed nav node from ProductSwitch
  • Updated classnames in ProductSwitch
  • Use glyph in ProductList instead of images

add accessibility features to popover control (#792) (6ac4e11)