Pipelined RISC-V core made as a learning exercise in Verilog, SystemVerilog and UVM. Targeted for FPGAs; no specific platform required. The Vivado IDE was chosen for its free and easy UVM support. Until 3rd-party IP is required, the design is for all intents and purposes platform-agnostic. The design is based off of Figure C.18+C.19 in Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach, 6th ed.
│ .gitignore
└───sim <----- Testbench files only.
│ │ modulename1_tb.v
│ │ modulename2_tb.v
│ │ ...
│ │
│ └───pipeline <----- UVM components go into a single folder per testbench.
│ │ pip_agent.sv
│ │ pip_monitor.sv
│ │ ...
└───src <----- Design and top modules. All files must be syhtesizable.
│ │ design_module1.v
│ │ ...
└───doc <----- Final documents and their assets (soon).
│ │ SBucur_riscv_userdoc.docx
│ │ SBucur_riscv_engdoc.docx
│ │ id_tb.png
│ │ ...
Launch riscv/vivado_riscv/vivado_riscv.xpr
with Xilinx Vivado.