Notification area (task bar) icon to display the status of one or more MySQL databases (live, dead)
As a command line app
go get
As a gui less app (no cmd / terminal window for windows. Will add linux and mac commands in the future)
git clone
cd mysql-notifier
go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui -o mysql-notifier.exe main.go functionality.go
If all of the mysql database are live the icon (outlined in red)
If one of the mysql databases goes down (outlined in red)
Settings are stored in a yml file at:
Windows: APPDATA/mysql-notifier/settings.yml
Linux / Mac: HOME/.mysql-notifier/settings.yml
user: root
database: mysql
host: #example
port: 3306
user: test
password: tezt
database: app_db
interval: 1m
- host (optional)
- port (optional)
- user
- password (optional)
- 1m (number of minutes)
- 1s (number of seconds)
- 1ms (number of milliseconds)
Checks the status of configured mysql databases and displays a green icon if live (can connect) or a red icon if dead (cant connect)
The menu adds extra functionality:
- Open settings (currently with notepad++, will add a text editor for linux and mac)
- Status of MySQL instance (live or dead)
- On MySQL menu item click, a mysql window will open using the connection details (currently only cmd on windows, will update )