Migrated to: https://github.com/SwisscomTrustServices/itext-ais-2
Please use only this repository.
Java source code and command line tool to sign PDF with iText.
Usage: com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF [OPTIONS]
-infile=VALUE - Source Filename, PDF to be signed
-outfile=VALUE - Target Filename, signed PDF
-type=timestamp - Signature Type RFC 3161
-type=sign - Signature Type RFC 3369
-type=sign - Signature Type RFC 3369
-dn=VALUE - Subject Distinguished Name for the On Demand Certificate
Supported attributes, separated by a comma:
- cn or CommonName
- c or CountryName
- EmailAddress
- FivenName
- l or LocalityName
- ou or OrganizationalUnitName
- o or OrganizationName
- SerialNumber
- st or StateOrProvinceName
- sn or Surname
Optional Step-Up Authorization (Declaration of Will):
-stepUpMsisdn=VALUE - Phone number (requires -dn -stepUpMsg -stepUpLang)
-stepUpMsg=VALUE - Message to be displayed (requires -dn -stepUpMsisdn -stepUpLang)
A placeholder #TRANSID# may be used anywhere in the message to include a unique transaction id
-stepUpLang=VALUE - Language of the message to be displayed (requires -dn -stepUpMsisdn -stepUpMsg)
supported values:
- en (english)
- de (deutsch)
- fr (français)
- it (italiano)
-stepUpSerialNumber=VALUE - Optional: Verify the MobileID / PwdOTP SerialNumber (16 chars; starting with 'MIDCHE' or 'SAS01')
Document will only be signed if it matched the actual SerialNumber
-reason=VALUE - Signing Reason
-location=VALUE - Signing Location
-contact=VALUE - Signing Contact
-certlevel=VALUE - Certify the PDF, at most one certification per PDF is allowed
Supported values:
- 1 (no further changes allowed)
- 2 (form filling and further signing allowed)
- 3 (form filling, annotations and further signing allowed)
-v - Verbose output
-vv - More Verbose output
-config=VALUE - Custom path to the properties file (signpdf.properties)
java com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF -type=timestamp -infile=sample.pdf -outfile=signed.pdf
java com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF -v -type=timestamp -infile=sample.pdf -outfile=signed.pdf
[sign with static certificate]
java com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF -type=sign -infile=sample.pdf -outfile=signed.pdf
java com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF -v -config=/tmp/signpdf.properties -type=sign -infile=sample.pdf -outfile=signed.pdf -reason=Approved -location=Berne -contact=alice@acme.com
[sign with on demand certificate]
java com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF -type=sign -infile=sample.pdf -outfile=signed.pdf -dn='cn=Alice Smith,c=CH'
[sign with on demand certificate and mobile id authorization]
java com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF -v -type=sign -infile=sample.pdf -outfile=signed.pdf -dn='cn=Alice Smith,c=CH' -stepUpMsisdn=41792080350 -stepUpMsg='acme.com: Sign the PDF? (#TRANSID#)' -stepUpLang=en
java com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF -v -type=sign -infile=sample.pdf -outfile=signed.pdf -dn='cn=Alice Smith,c=CH' -stepUpMsisdn=41792080350 -stepUpMsg='acme.com: Sign the PDF? (#TRANSID#)' -stepUpLang=en -stepUpSerialNumber=MIDCHE2EG8NAWUB3
This java application has external dependencies (libraries). They are located in the ./lib
The latest version may be downloaded from the following source:
1: http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.code.findbugs/jsr305
Version 2.0.2 has been successfully tested
2: http://sourceforge.net/projects/itext
Version 5.4.5 has been successfully tested
3: http://www.bouncycastle.org/latest_releases.html
bcprov-jdk15on-150.jar has been successfully tested bcpkix-jdk15on-150.jar has been successfully tested
The following placeholder will be used in this README (see sections below)
<JAR> = Path to the ./jar subfolder containing the latest Java Archive
<SRC> = Path to the ./src subfolder containing the *.java source files
<LIB> = Path to the ./lib subfolder containing the libraries
<CLASS> = Path to the directory where class files will be created
<CFG> = Path to the signpdf.properties file
<DOC> = Path to the ./doc subfolder containing the JavaDoc
Refer to signpdf.properties
configuration file and modify the configuration properties accordingly.
You may use the latest Java Archive (JAR) signpdf-x.y.z.jar
located in the ./jar
Run the JAR (Unix/OSX): java -cp "<JAR>/signpdf-x.y.z.jar:<LIB>/*" com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF
Run the JAR (Unix/OSX) with custom path to the properties file:
java -DpropertyFile.path=<CFG> -cp "<JAR>/signpdf-x.y.z.jar:<LIB>/*" com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF
Run the JAR (Unix/OSX) with DEBUG enabled:
java -Djavax.net.debug=all -Djava.security.debug=certpath -cp "<JAR>/signpdf.jar:<LIB>/*" com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF
Create the latest JAR: jar cfe <JAR>/signpdf-x.y.z.jar com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF -C <CLASS> .
If you're on Windows then use a semicolon ; instead of the colon :
The source files can be compiled as follows.
Compile the sources: javac -d <CLASS> -cp "<LIB>/*" <SRC>/*.java
Note: The class files are generated in a directory hierarchy which reflects the given package structure: <CLASS>/swisscom/com/ais/itext/*.class
The compiled application can be run as follows.
Run the application (Unix/OSX):
java -cp "<CLASS>:<LIB>/*" com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF
Run the application (Unix/OSX) with custom path to the properties file:
java -DpropertyFile.path=<CFG> -cp "<CLASS>:<LIB>/*" com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF
Run the application (Unix/OSX) with DEBUG enabled:
java -Djavax.net.debug=all -Djava.security.debug=certpath -cp "<CLASS>:<LIB>/*" com.swisscom.ais.itext.SignPDF
If you're on Windows then use a semicolon ; instead of the colon :
The latest JavaDoc is located in the ./doc
Create the latest JavaDoc: javadoc -windowtitle "Swisscom All-in Signing Service vx.y.z" -doctitle "<h1>Swisscom All-in Signing Service vx.y.z</h1>" -footer "Swisscom All-in Signing Service vx.y.z" -d <DOC> -private -sourcepath <SRC> com.swisscom.ais.itext
PKCS12 certificate file consisting of public certificate and private key.
Extract public client certificate:
openssl pkcs12 -in <yourPKCS12>.p12 -clcerts -nokeys | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > public.crt
Extract password protected private key
openssl pkcs12 -in <yourPKCS12>.p12 -nocerts -out encpriv.key
Extract decrypted private key
openssl rsa -in encpriv.key -out decpriv.key