- Allows the usage of an existing computer
- Allows to specify credentials
- Shows previous SDLL value and allows to set the security descriptor to a specific value
A C# implementation of a computer object takeover through Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity) based on the research by @elad_shamir. Credits also to @harmj0y for his blog post and to @kevin_robertson as I relied on the code for his Powermad tool.
Make sure that the necessary NuGet packages are installed successfully and simply build the project.
Usage: SharpAllowedToAct.exe --ComputerAccountName FAKECOMPUTER --ComputerPassword Welcome123! --TargetComputer VICTIM
-m, --ComputerAccountName
Set the name of the new machine.
-p, --ComputerPassword
Set the password for the new machine.
-t, --TargetComputer
Set the name of the target computer you want to exploit. Need to have write access to the computer object.
-a, --DomainController
Set the domain controller to use.
-d, --Domain
Set the target domain.
-c, --Cleanup
Empty the value of msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity for a given computer account (Usage: '--Cleanup true'). Must be combined with --TargetComputer.
-u, --Username
User with write access at target computer
-s, --SecDescriptor
Value to update msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity for a given computer account (Usage: '--Cleanup true'). Must be combined with --TargetComputer.
-w, --Password
Password for user with write access at target computer.