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by Fiti@Secforce LTD
Initial developement based on https://github.com/awslabs/aws-security-benchmark/blob/672cacf5e8244d7b090ed6de613e91139b585dbd/aws_cis_foundation_framework/aws-cis-foundation-benchmark-checklist.py
Install dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run without parameters to use default profile:
python aws-cis-checker.py
- Use -p or --profile to specify a specific profile:
python aws-cis-checker.py' -p <profile>
- Use --cis to get a detailed list of CIS Benchmark v1.3.0 checks
python aws-cis-checker.py --cis
- Use --suggest to get suggestions about issue groups
python aws-cis-checker.py --suggest
- Use --all to get both --suggest and --cis
python aws-cis-checker.py --all