Curates a working calendar for observations and has methods to schedule by source (if ATATools available), RA/Dec and LST.
Calendar info is in json files delineated by year, e.g. aocal2024.json generally located at the directory defined by the environment variable 'AOCALENDAR'.
The calendar can be synced with a Google Calendar via the script
from aocalendar import aocalendar
provides access to all methods (see the script
for examples) Can use simple 'add' functionaocalendar.aoc_entry
or make the <class>aocalendar.Calendar
command line using
gui using
Events can be added by scheduling a RA/Dec or source, or by LST bounds as well as by UTC. To specify via LST, leave UTC_stop blank and include LST_start, LST_stop. UTC_start is needed regardless. If LST, it only uses the day contained in UTC_start and not the time (that is the LST on that UTC day, not after the provided UTC time).
For command line:
usage: [-h] [--path PATH] [--output OUTPUT] [-l] [-e SHOW_ENTRY] [-g] [-a] [-u UPDATE] [-d DELETE] [-s SCHEDULE] [-q QUICK] [--duration DURATION] [-n NAME] [-p PID] [--utc_start UTC_START] [--utc_stop UTC_STOP] [--lst_start LST_START] [--lst_stop LST_STOP] [--observer OBSERVER] [--email EMAIL] [--note NOTE] [--state STATE] [calfile]
positional arguments:
calfile Calfile/date to use.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH Path to use
--output OUTPUT Logging output level
-l, --list List events of day
-e SHOW_ENTRY, --show_entry SHOW_ENTRY
Show an entry # on date
-g, --graph Graph calendar day
-a, --add Add an entry
-u UPDATE, --update UPDATE
Update an entry # on date
-d DELETE, --delete DELETE
Delete an entry # on date
-s SCHEDULE, --schedule SCHEDULE
Schedule ra,dec/source and set duration of observation
-q QUICK, --quick QUICK
Quick add a session of #h/m/s length starting now (at least add -n...)
--duration DURATION Duration of scheduled observation in hours
-n NAME, --name NAME Event field
-p PID, --pid PID Event field
--utc_start UTC_START
Event field
--utc_stop UTC_STOP Event field
--lst_start LST_START
Event field
--lst_stop LST_STOP Event field
--observer OBSERVER Event field
--email EMAIL Event field
--note NOTE Event field
--state STATE Event field