Our Community signed at April in 2018 for take a value to humans about opensource and enterprice scope.SFS Community will publish every development at SFS Github Account as well as we will publish which document include philosophy of SFS who sent to us from you at (@SFSCommunity) telegram channel.Also we will publish documents and tweets from twitter account of us (@sfscommunityorg).
At the meaning of SFS letters is the merged of capital letter of Secure, Fast and Scalable words.When our founding members made a philosophical debate among themselves, it was decided that the SFS method was the best way to reach the best and correct code by using today's technologies.After, approved the share this method to developer all around the world following time started to SFS Community Project.
SFS Community is a international community and main goal is connect the every developer all around the world and create a sharing network each other.
This section, dear friends who read this article, you can support us to publish all social media account for example Twitter, Gihub, Linkedin and etc.
For more detail, you can contact with us address at bottom.
WebSite: www.sfscommunity.org
E-mail Address: info@sfscommunity.org
Telegram Channel: @SFSCommunity
Twitter Address: @sfscommunityorg