- Aim
- Participants
- ArcGIS Website
- Documentation and Presentation
- Installation
- Used applications
- Interface
Our idea of the project is to create a program in C++ with which we can enter data in the CSV file, which extracts all the information on our site made in ArcGIS Experience Builder.
Stefan Hristov - SHHristov19 - BackEnd
Daniel Kolev - DKKolev19 - FrontEnd
Todor Zafirov - TGZafirov19 - Scrum Trainer
Zlatomir Kostadinov - ZGKostadinov19 - Quality Assurance
If you want to see our website click here
For the documentation click here
For the QA documentation click here
For the presentation click here
For the block scheme of code click here
Go to This link and download the last release.
Unzip and open the folder ConsoleApplication. Then open Project2022January.sln. Then run the console and you are ready.
This is the menu. You have 7 different choices you can use. If you can move up or down, you can use the button to do so. When you see the arrow next to what you want to see, press Enter.
Before you went to see all choices on the menu you must Sign in. If you don't have a profile you can Sign Up and then Sign In.
When you Sign In the below option in the menu is See Story. There you can see all data in the Data.csv file and then you can sort all data by year or Grey code.
The next one is Add Story. Here you can add data. First, you add a title, then a year, place, latitude, longitude and description.
In the Search Story, you can search data by title, year or place. When you input your choice then type that you want to search and voila you can see the data that you searched in yellow and else data.
In these options, you can see a little bit of how the program works.
In the penultimate place, you can find information about our team.
In the end, you can finish the program