v0.6.0.dev0 (2024-09-04)
Support modern session handling in OTEAPI Core
From OTEAPI Core v0.7.0, sessions are handled differently in strategies, leading to signature changes in the strategy methods.
This development release version matches the current development release version(s) of OTEAPI Core (and OTELib).
Single entity OPTIMADE Structure Resource
A single entity has been added to parse an OPTIMADE Structure resource.
The DLite parse strategy has been updated to support this new entity.
Furthermore, utility/helper functions to parse the resulting species
and assemblies
data are available at oteapi_optimade.parse_species()
and oteapi_optimade.parse_assemblies()
, respectively.
DX updates
The permanent dependencies branch has been removed in favor of using Dependabot's groups feature and merging everything directly into main
Implemented enhancements:
- Stop using the permanent dependencies branch #254
- Support new OTEAPI session handling #213
- Minimize SOFT data model to a single file #195
Merged pull requests:
- Use proper packages #258 (@CasperWA)
- Remove everything to do with the permanent dependencies branch #255 (@CasperWA)
- Support OTEAPI Core v0.7 #236 (@CasperWA)
- Single SOFT entity for structure resource #196 (@CasperWA)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator