Abstract1: We will be designing a social platform where people can volunteer social services at their will. The user will be asked to provide his set of skills and the area of interest in which they want to extend a helping hand. Profile of each such user/helper along with their social score will be maintained and shown as per the location of a requestee for particular service . Machine Learning will be used to cognitively select a helper to provide his/her services as per the location of a requestee.
For example if a person is in distress and is looking for a particular help than that person will look up on the platform and post his request and people close by him with that particular set of skills will be notified and is their decision to accept/decline. This portal will be great place for people looking for swift n friendly help without having to pay for it and also for those who want to help the society .
Abstract2: The idea is to develop mobile application for android platform to help blind by scanning the objects in front of the camera. Using machine learning, the app will identify the objects and display the result on screen .The app will also speak out loud the result so the user can know what object is in the front.
This is a web application using Moongoose MongoDB , ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS , Socket io and various api.
A working example can be found here.
This application requires installation of NodeJS.
- Install all dependencies in package.json file. This can be done by navigating to the root directory in the command prompt/terminal/console (I will refer to it as command prompt) and running the following command:
$ npm install
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 --name myapp -d akhilesh1312/helpother