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Launch and manage batch of SLURM experiments easily


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Launch and manage batch of SLURM experiments easily

How to install ?

  • git clone
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python develop

How to use ?

Step 1: write a template.sbatch to define sbatch template

This is the basic squeleton of all sbatch files where variables to be replaced are written as {NAME}.

#!/bin/bash -x
#SBATCH --account=cstdl
#SBATCH --nodes={nodes}
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=24
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=dc-gpu
#SBATCH --output={output_file}
echo "Job Id:$SLURM_JOB_ID"
ml purge
export MASTER_PORT=12802
master_addr=$(scontrol show hostnames "$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST" | head -n 1)
export MASTER_ADDR=$master_addr"i"
srun --cpu_bind=none,v --accel-bind=gn python -u src/training/ \
    --save-frequency 1 \
    --imagenet-val "/p/fastdata/mmlaion/imagenet_val" \
    --zeroshot-frequency 1 \
    --train-data="{train_data}"  --dataset-type webdataset\
    --train-num-samples={train_num_samples} \
    --warmup 2000 \
    --batch-size={batch_size} \
    --report-to=tensorboard \
    --epochs={epochs} \
    --workers=8 \
    --model {model} \
    --name {name} \
    --logs {logs} \
    --seed 0 \
    --ddp-static-graph \
    --local-loss \
    --gather-with-grad \
    --lr 0.001 \
    --save-most-recent \
    --precision amp_bfloat16 \
    --grad-checkpoint \
    --resume latest

Step 2: write a config.yaml file for defining experiments

# the yaml config file defines which the different combinations of parameters
# that will be used to fill a template file
# at its core, it is simply do the cartesian product of all the parameters and list of possible values defined for them.
# each instance of the product will define a single sbatch script, i.e.
# a single job. all the variables defined will be replaced
# with their value in the template (here, `template.sbatch`)

# there are some special variables that are used by the job manager:

# Path to the sbatch template file, this is the basic squeleton of all sbatch files
# where variables to be replaced are written as {NAME} (see Step 1)
template: template.sbatch 

# Path of the standard output file, it is important as it is used for checking:
# 1 - if the job is frozen (if no change in during `check_interval_secs` secs)
# 2 - the SLURM job id (`job_id_regexp`), this is important if, for some reason, 
# the `autoexperiment run <CONFIG>` process is terminated and we want to resume it 
# while we still have running jobs in SLURM. If it happens, just relaunch 
# `autoexperiment run <CONFIG>` again, and it will find automatiaclly the SLURM job ids 
# and continue as before, instead of launching new ones.
# 3 - to find if the termination string (`termination_str`) appeared in the output file, 
# this is used to stop from restarting the job forever, and consider it finished.
# Remember that we have a max time limit in SLURM, 
# so we restart the job as much as needed until we find the `termination_str`.
output_file: "{logs}/{name}/slurm.out"

# It is IMPORTANT that in the sbatch script (`template.sbatch`), we have a way to 
# figure out SLURM job id (see explanation above), here we define the regexp used 
# to find the SLURM job id.
job_id_regexp: "Job Id:(\\d+)"
# It is IMPORTANT to define the `termination_str`, it is a regexp used to detect
# if a job is finished, otherwise, it will be restarted FOREVER.
# Here, for instance, we detect a finishing job if it finishes the zero-shot 
# evaluatioof the latest epoch.
# ({epochs} will take the value of epochs, see section experiments below).
termination_str: "Eval Epoch: {epochs}"

# an alternative is to use `termination_cmd`, where instead a shell command
# is executed, if it returns the value 1, the job is considered as finished.
termination_cmd: ""

# one can also have start condition, where the job is launched only
# under some constraint. This can be the case for evaluations, for instance,
# as they require that checkpoints of the models do exist beforehand.
# Here, we execute the shell command 'start_condition_cmd', if it returns
# the value 1, the job is launched.
start_condition_cmd: ""

# Path of sbatch scripts that are generated from the `template`
# each experiment will have a dedicated sbatch script.
sbatch_script: "sbatch/{name}.sbatch"

# Command to run for each job.
cmd: "sbatch {sbatch_script}"

# Check the status jobs each number of secs, to restart them if needed
check_interval_secs: 600

# we first define few variables, which will be reused below
  - datacomp:
      train_data: "/path/{0000000..0139827}.tar"
  - laion2b:
      train_data: "/path/{00000..23295}.tar"
  - s32:
      model: ViT-S-32
      batch_size: 1024
  - m32:
      model: ViT-M-32
      batch_size: 1024
epochs: 1 
logs: "logs"
nodes: 1
train_num_samples: [12_800_000]
# each experiment will have a name, which we can define in any way
# we want. 
# it will be used in the template (`template.sbatch` here) but also to make 
# the sbatch script name.
name: "{dataset}_{model}_{epochs}"

Step 3 : run all the jobs together with autorestart ability

First, we generate sbatch scripts:

autoexperiment build config.yaml

> ls sbatch

Then, we run all the jobs

> autoexperiment run config.yaml
Check if the job is freezing for set1_datacomp_ViT-M-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_laion2b_ViT-S-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_laion2b_ViT-M-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_datacomp_ViT-S-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_datacomp_ViT-M-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_laion2b_ViT-S-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_laion2b_ViT-M-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_datacomp_ViT-S-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_datacomp_ViT-M-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_laion2b_ViT-S-32_1...
Check if the job is freezing for set1_laion2b_ViT-M-32_1...
Termination string found for set1_datacomp_ViT-S-32_1, finishing
Termination string found for set1_datacomp_ViT-M-32_1, finishing
Termination string found for set1_laion2b_ViT-S-32_1, finishing
Termination string found for set1_laion2b_ViT-M-32_1, finishing

For a more complete example, see examples/small_scale_scaling and examples/full_example


Launch and manage batch of SLURM experiments easily







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