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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

What is that?

SLywnow basic is main library for any SLywnow's assets, like SLM, AutoLang To use it type using SLywnow in your script. Asset also include ZipUtil.

Save system

How it works

SaveSystemAlt is my alternative to PlayerPerfs, that have no limits of size, have multifiles system, have GUI inside Unity and can save Arrays and Lists.


StartWork(int i=0) - run SaveSystemAlt by some index (different indexes mean different save files)

UseDebug(bool value) - show debug messages

bool IsWorking() - is SaveSystemAlt working?

SetString(string key, string value) - save some string with some key in current session, to write it into file use SaveUpdatesNotClose() or StopWorkAndClose()

SetInt(string key, int value) - save some int with some key in current session, to write it into file use SaveUpdatesNotClose() or StopWorkAndClose()

SetFloat(string key, float value) - save some float with some key in current session, to write it into file use SaveUpdatesNotClose() or StopWorkAndClose()

SetBool(string key, bool value) - save some bool with some key in current session, to write it into file use SaveUpdatesNotClose() or StopWorkAndClose()

SetArray<T>(string key, T[] array) - save some array of any types with some key in current session, to write it into file use SaveUpdatesNotClose() or StopWorkAndClose()

string GetString(string key, string def=null,bool fromanytype=false) - return string from key, if key not found will return def value, use fromanytype to get value from any types, not only from strings

int GetInt(string key, int def = 0) - return int from key, if key not found will return def value

float GetFloat(string key, float def = 0) - return float from key, if key not found will return def value

bool GetBool(string key, bool def = false) - return bool from key, if key not found will return def value

T[] GetArray<T>(string key) - return array of any type from key, if key not found will return def value

SetValueToUndefined(string key) - change key type to Undefined, Undefined type can be reads/writes from any types (by converted to string)

SetValueToSomeType(string key, SaveSystemSL.SSLTpe type) - change value type to another

bool HasKey(string key) - is key exist in current session?

RenameKey(string key, string newName) - rename some key in current session

DeleteKey(string key) - delete some key in current session

DeleteAll(string key, bool withFile = false) - delete all keys in current session

int IsIndex() - return current session's index (from StartWork)

StopWorkAndClose() - stop current session and write all changes to file

SaveUpdatesNotClose() - write all changes to file but not stop current session

OutputSSAData GetData(string key) - convert some key's data to OutputSSAData class. Use it to move keys between indexes

WriteData(OutputSSAData input) - add some key from OutputSSAData to current session. Use it to move keys between indexes


To open GUI press SLywnow/Save System Alt Editor. This editor works only in non-play mode.

  1. Index number, press "Open" to load this
  2. Search field
  3. Name and type of key
  4. Value of key
  5. Delete key
  6. Add new key
  7. Save all changes
  8. Show/Hide options
  9. Show labels of keys as input (only for copy, you can't edit them here)
  10. Set custom CultureInfo, leave it empty for InvariantCulture. Use it if your CultureInfo is different or if you use some other CultureInfo in the game
  11. Save and hide options

Time savers



Loads bytes array of some file
byte[] LoadByte(string path, string name, string format, bool datapath = false)
path - path to directory with file
name - name of file without format
format - format of file
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path

byte[] LoadByte(string path, bool datapath = false)
path - full path to file with format
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path


SaveStream(string path, string name, string format, string[] saves, bool datapath = false, bool add = false)
path - path to directory with file
name - name of file without format
format - format of file
saves - array of strings to write
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path
add - just add new lines, don't rewrite file

SaveStream(string path, string[] saves, bool datapath = false, bool add = false) path - full path to file with format
saves - array of strings to write
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path
add - just add new lines, don't rewrite file

SaveStream(string path, string name, string format, string save, bool datapath = false, bool add = false)
path - path to directory with file
name - name of file without format
format - format of file
save - string to write
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path
add - just add new lines, don't rewrite file

SaveStream(string path, string save, bool datapath = false, bool add = false)
path - full path to file with format
save - string to write
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path
add - just add new lines, don't rewrite file


Loads data from file in string format. Can return data as array or single string with \n as new lines
string[] LoadStream(string path, string name, string format, bool datapath = false)
path - path to directory with file
name - name of file without format
format - format of file
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path

string[] LoadStream(string path, bool datapath = false)
path - full path to file with format
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path

string LoadStream(string path, string name, string format, bool datapath = false, bool onlyoneline = false)
path - path to directory with file
name - name of file without format
format - format of file
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path
onlyoneline - load only first line

string LoadStream(string path, bool datapath = false, bool onlyoneline = false)
path - full path to file with format
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path
onlyoneline - load only first line


Load any image file and convert it into Sprite with full rect and center pivot
Sprite LoadSprite(string path, string name, string format, bool datapath = false)
path - path to directory with file
name - name of file without format
format - format of file
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path

Sprite LoadSprite(string path, bool datapath = false)
path - full path to file with format
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path


Save Texture2D as file
SaveTexture(Texture2D input, string path, TextureType format, bool datapath = false)
input - imput texture that you want to save
path - full path to file without format
format - save file in .png or .jpg format?
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path


Checks is file or directory exist by some path
bool CheckFile(string path, string name, string format, bool datapath = false)
path - path to directory with file
name - name of file without format
format - format of file
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path

bool CheckFile(string path, bool datapath = false)
path - full path to file with format
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path

bool CheckDirectory(string path, bool datapath = false)
path - full path to directory
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path


Delete some file DelStream(string path, string name, string format, bool datapath = false, bool dirtoo = false, bool forse = false)
path - path to directory with file
name - name of file without format
format - format of file
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path
dirtoo - do you want delete directory where file exist too?
forse - delete directory even if it's contain another files

DelStream(string path, bool datapath = false, bool dirtoo = false, bool forse = false)
path - full path to file with format
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path
dirtoo - do you want delete directory where file exist too?
forse - delete directory even if it's contain another files


string[] GetFilesFromdirectories(string path, string format, bool datapath = false, TypeOfGet type = TypeOfGet.Files) - return string array with info about files/directories in path.
format - format filter, leave it empty to all
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path

  • All - return all files and directories in path with full path
  • Files - return all files in path with full path
  • Directory - return all directories in path with full path
  • NamesOfFiles - return all names of files in path without full path, based on Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
  • NamesOfFilesWithFormat - return all names of files in path with formats (indexes will be same as in NamesOfFiles)
  • Formats - return all formats in this directories (indexes will be same as in NamesOfFiles)
  • NamesOfDirectories - return all names of directories without full path

CreateDirectory(string path, bool datapath = false) - create directory by path, can create multiple nested directories
path - full path to directory
datapath - add Application.persistentDataPath before path

RenameFile(string path, string oldName, string newName) - rename some file by path
path - path to directory with file
oldName - current name of file with format
newName - new name of file with format

CopyFullDirectory(string sourceDirectory, string targetDirectory) - copy all files from one directory to another

string[] ConcatArray(string[] array1, string[] array2) - merge 2 arrays


GameObject InCords(Vector3 position, bool first, string tag = null, string[] blocktags = null) - return GameObject in some position
position - position of GameObject
first - return first object on this position, Iinstead of last GameObject
tag - search GameObject with tag
blocktags - ignore GameObject with tags

GameObject[] AllInCords(Vector3 position, string tag = null, string[] blocktags = null) - return all GameObjects in some position
position - position of GameObjects
tag - search GameObjects with tag
blocktags - ignore GameObjects with tags

string GetDefaultPath() - returns path to "Documents" folder in any systems, include android (return sdcard folder)

Transform FindChild(Transform parent, string name) - find child in some transform, check all subparents too, in contrast UnityEngine's solution


Texture2D byteToTexture(byte[] input) - convert some bytes to Texture2D

string[] UIMultiLineToStringArray(string input, string enter = "\n") - split a string into an array with string as separator
enter - separator

string StringArrayToUIMultiLine(string[] input, string enter = "\n") - combine array into string with some separator
enter - separator

Color MoveToColor(Color from, Color to, float speed, byte r = 255, byte g = 255, byte b = 255) - smooth move from one color to another. Use this in Update or FixedUpdate
from - current color
to - color you want to see
speed - speed of canges
r - coefficient of change of the red channel
g - coefficient of change of the gree channel
b - coefficient of change of the blue channel

Color MoveToColorWithAlpha(Color from, Color to, float speed, byte r = 255, byte g = 255, byte b = 255, byte a = 255) - smooth move from one color to another. Use this in Update or FixedUpdate
from - current color
to - color you want to see
speed - speed of canges
r - coefficient of change of the red channel
g - coefficient of change of the gree channel
b - coefficient of change of the blue channel
a - coefficient of change of the alpha channel

Color SetPositionColor(Color from, Color to, float position) - get color between 2 colors with some position
from - color1
to - color2
position - position between colors

T[] JSONtoArray<T>(string json) - convert some JSON to array of some type

Shuffle<T>(this List<T> list) - random shuffle of elements in the list

Swap<T>(this List<T> list, int i, int j) - swap two elements in the list

JSON works


DateTime getTime(string from = "") - Get current time from web
from - your api source

string getIp(string from = "") - Get user's ip from web
from - your api source


T[] FromJson<T>(string json) - convert some JSON to array of some type

string ToJson<T>(T[] array, bool prettyPrint=false) - convert some array of some type to JSON

Move<T>(this List<T> list, int i, int j) - move element from one position to another in the list

List<T> Clone<T>(this List<T> list) - create copy for some list

Swap<T>(this List<T> list, int i, int j) - swap two elements in the list

UI works


Sprite generators

Sprite GetSpriteWithColor(Color color, int width = 1, int height = 1, float pivotX = 0.5f, float pivotY = 0.5f) - generate sprite with some color
color - color you want to see
width - width of future sprite
height - height of future sprite
pivotX - pivotX of future sprite
pivotY - pivotY of future sprite

Texture2D GetTextureWithColor(Color color, int width = 1, int height = 1) - Generate Texture2D with some color
color - Color you want to see
width - width of future texture
height - height of future texture

Sprite GetSpriteWithGradient(Gradient gradient, bool Xdirection, int width = 1, int height = 1, float pivotX = 0.5f, float pivotY = 0.5f) - Generate sprite with some gradient
gradient - gradient you want to see
Xdirection - Is axis of gradient X?
width - width of future sprite
height - height of future sprite
pivotX - pivotX of future sprite
pivotY - pivotY of future sprite

Sprite GetSpriteWithGradient2D(Gradient gradientX, Gradient gradientY, int width = 1, int height = 1, float pivotX = 0.5f, float pivotY = 0.5f) - Generate sprite with some gradients in both axises
gradientX - gradient on X axis
gradientY - gradient on Y axis
width - width of future sprite
height - height of future sprite
pivotX - pivotX of future sprite
pivotY - pivotY of future sprite

Dropdown generators

Fills dropdown by something, use it to create drowdown in realtime dropdown - output dropdown link
enter - input dropdown

FillDropDownByTextList(out Dropdown dropdown, List<string> strings, Dropdown enter) - Fill dropdown by texts
strings - strings list

FillDropDownBySpriteList(out Dropdown dropdown, List<Sprite> sprites, Dropdown enter) - Fill dropdown by sprites
sprites - sprites list

FillDropDownBySpriteAndTextList(out Dropdown dropdown, List<Sprite> sprites, List<string> strings, Dropdown enter) - Fill dropdown by sprites and texts
strings - strings list
sprites - sprites list
Lists must have same size

FillDropDownByColorList(out Dropdown dropdown, List<Color> colors, Dropdown enter) - Create dropdown with colors (usefull for color choice in game)
colors - colors list

FillDropDownByColorAndTextList(out Dropdown dropdown, List<Color> colors, List<string> strings, Dropdown enter) - Create dropdown with colors (usefull for color choice in game) and fill it by texts
colors - colors list
strings - strings list
Lists must have same size

For Unity Events

Allows you to process data from string, created for using in Unity Events inside editor input - input string that stored data
pos - position of data in string
space - separator of line
def - default value

string GetStringUIEvent(string input, int pos, char space, string def = null)

int GetIntUIEvent(string input, int pos, char space, int def = 0)

float GetFloatUIEvent(string input, int pos, char space, float def = 0)

bool GetBoolUIEvent(string input, int pos, char space, bool def = false)

Input string: 1 true myEvent
To get data use:

GetIntUIEvent(str, 0, ' ')
GetBoolUIEvent(str, 1, ' ')
GetStringUIEvent(str, 2, ' ')

StringLogicalComparer - natural sorting, based on


Button Attributes

Allows you to call the function directly from the editor outside of the play mode. Usefull for some editor-only functions (don't forget about #if UNITY_EDITOR) and tests
Based on EasyButtons, see usage here

Show/Hide Attributes

Helps you to show/hide fields in the editor without writing CustomEditor for script Exept [ShowFromMultiple] all this attributes have same options:
propertyName - name of propertyName, recomended to use nameof() here
checkval - value to check
inverse - inverse check, show if false and hide if true
All types checks:
[ShowFromBool(string propertyName, bool checkval=true, bool inverse=false)]
[ShowFromInt(string propertyName, int checkval, bool inverse=false)]
[ShowFromFloat(string propertyName, float checkval, bool inverse=false)]
[ShowFromEnum(string propertyName, int checkval, bool inverse=false)] - type index in enum as value
[ShowFromString(string propertyName, string checkval, bool inverse=false)]
[ShowFromObjectNotNull(string propertyName, isNull=false)] - check is any object field null or not

Multiple checks

You can check multiple values using [ShowFromMultiple]. Use it to check few values of some property or many few property with same value, or many property and values.
string[] propertyName/string propertyName - name of property or properties (in array) to check, if you use only one property then all values will be checks only with it, if many then indexes must match string[] vals/string vals - values of property or properties (in array) to check, if you use only one value then all properties will be checks with it, if many then indexes must match string[] types/string types - types of properties, if all properties has same type then enter only it, if not then enter all types and indexes must match Mode - mode of checking:

  • and - requires all parameters to pass check
  • or - requires that only one parameter pass check

    [ShowFromMultiple("QteType", new string[2] { "3", "4" }, "enum", ShowFromMultipleAttribute.mode.or)] - show field if parameter QteType in 3rd ot 4th position
    [ShowFromMultiple(new string[2] { nameof(movePattern), nameof(lookAtThePlayer) }, new string[2] { "3", "true" }, new string[2] { "enum", "bool" }, ShowFromMultipleAttribute.mode.and)] - show field if movePattern parameter is in 3rd position and lookAtThePlayer parameter is true