```sml structure VectorSlice : VECTOR_SLICE ``` We propose two new functions for the `VectorSlice` module. This page is part of proposal [[2015-003 | 2015-003 Additional operations on sequences]]. *** #### Synopsis ```sml val toList : 'a slice -> 'a list val toVector : 'a slice -> 'a vector ``` #### Description * `toList slice`
returns the list of the elements in the vector slice `slice`. * `toVector slice`
#### Discussion The `toVector` function is the same as the existing `vector` function, but it follows the `toType`/`fromType` naming convention. #### Rationale The `toList` operation complements the existing `fromList` and can be implemented more efficiently than by using `List.tabulate`. Adding it helps reduce the friction of converting between the different sequence types.