A Minecraft: Java Edition datapack which improve the fishing system a lot.
I replace minecraft:gameplay/fishing
with an empty loot table, and type stopsound @a * minecraft:entity.fishing_bobber.splash
in spgoding:better_fishing/tick
, so that players are not able to get any fish and hear the splash sound.
Before the player throws a fishing rod, the better_fishing will check if he/she has any bait(cookie) by function spgoding:better_fishing/check_bait
If the player does have, the fishing rod will be thrown, and attract an random fish to come by function spgoding:better_fishing/attract_fish
. A fish will be teleported to the player and be killed when it touches the fishing bobber by function spgoding:better_fishing/kill_fishes
. Eventually, the bait will be spent.
I add treasure and junk in the loot tables of these kinds of fish also:
So never worry about your enchanted books!
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