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  • Made using Nuxt & Directus
  • Deploy over Cloudflare Global Network

🔧 Deployement

  1. Deploy frontend using cloudflare pages (see this)
  2. Deploy a Directus instance (self-hosted or directus cloud)
  3. Change the directus url in nuxt.config.ts
  4. Create the collections

Collection name: landing_page SINGLETON ⚠️

name type required
title input yes
sub_title textarea yes

Collection name: legal SINGLETON ⚠️
Don't forget to select the optional field date_updated

name type required
title input yes
content WYSISYG yes

Collection name: team

name type required
name input yes
avatar image no
role input yes
  1. Set the permissions

In directus, navigate to Settings > Access Control > Public.
Here we allow users to see all our collections. image You're all done!