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Contains libraries for reading, writing and analysing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging (MRS & MRI) data.


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These are MATLAB libraries for post-processing, analysing and simulating Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging (MRS & MRI) data.


Data files & header files are required to be added to MATLAB path.

File List

MRS_lib: contains functions for post-processing, analysing and simulating Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data

  • io/

    • mrs_readSPAR.m : reads .SPAR Philips MRS header file
    • mrs_readSDAT.m : reads .SDAT Philips MRS data file
    • mrs_readLIST.m : reads .list Philips MRS header file produced by delayed reconstruction
    • mrs_readDATA.m : reads .data Philips MRS data file produced by delayed reconstruction
    • mrs_readSIN.m : reads .sin Philips raw MRS header file
    • mrs_readRAW.m : reads .raw Philips raw MRS data file
    • mrs_readRDA.m : reads .RDA Siemens MRS file (header information and data)
    • mrs_readGEpfile.m : reads Pxxxx.7 GE MRS raw data file (header information and data)
    • mrs_readLcmodelBASIS.m : reads the LCModel input .basis file, which contains the basis set of model metabolite spectra
    • mrs_readLcmodelBasisRAW.m : reads th LCModel input .RAW file, which contains time domain data of one metabolite spectrum
    • mrs_readLcmodelTABLE.m : reads the metabolite absolute and relative concentration and their SDs from the LCModel output .table file
    • mrs_readLcmodelCOORD.m : reads the LCmodel output .coord file, which contains the coordinates of all curves on the one-page output
    • mrs_readLcmodelRAW.m : reads LCModel output .RAW file which contains time domain data of each metabolite spectrum
    • mrs_readJmruiTXT.m : reads .txt MRS data file from jMRUI
    • mrs_writeSDAT.m : writes MRS data to Philips .SDAT file
    • mrs_writeSPAR.m : writes MRS header information to Philips .SPAR file
    • mrs_editSPAR.m : edits Philips .SPAR file
    • mrs_writeLcmodelIN.m : writes .in file for creating a LCmodel baisis set
    • mrs_writeLcmodelBasisRAW.m : writes .RAW file, which contains time domain data of one metabolite spectrum
  • postprocess/

    • mrs_truncate.m : truncates points from the end of spectra
    • mrs_zerofill.m : fills zeros to the end of spectra
    • mrs_apod.m : applies line-broadening filter
    • mrs_fft.m : applies fourier transformation
    • mrs_ifft.m : applies inverse fourier transformation
    • mrs_rephase.m : rephases spectra with specified phase value
    • mrs_zeroPHC.m : applies automatic zero-order phase correction to a spectrum
    • mrs_manualzeroPHC.m : allows users to manually apply zero-order phase correction of a spectrum
    • mrs_firstPHC.m : applies automatic first-order phase correction to a spectrum
    • mrs_realign.m : aligns the target peaks in the spectra
    • mrs_average.m : calculates averaged data
    • mrs_lowpass.m : filters out high frequency components above specified frequency
    • mrs_highpass.m : filters out low frequency components below specified frequency
  • simulation/

    • mrs_PRESS.m : simulates signal acquired using Position Resolved Spectroscopy (PRESS)
    • mrs_STEAM.m : simulates signal acquired using Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode (STEAM)
    • mrs_sLASER.m : simulates the signal acquired using semi-localised by adiabatic selective refocusing(sLASER) sequence
    • mrs_ISISscheme.m : demonstrates how Image Selective in vivo Spectroscopy (ISIS) works
    • mrs_simulateFID.m: simulates a Free Induction Decay (FID) or Half-Echo.
  • utils/

    • mrs_selectPeakrange.m : allows users to manually pick the peak range interactively
    • mrs_findPeak.m : locates the highest positive peak or lowest negative peak
    • mrs_fitPeak.m : fits a peak in the given range of a spectrum with a lorenztian curve
    • mrs_lorentzFit.m : fits data with a Lorenztian function by minimising the squared error
    • mrs_lorentzFun.m : defines the Lorentzian function
    • mrs_gaussianFit.m : fits data with a Gaussian function by minimising the squared error
    • mrs_gaussianFun.m : defines Gaussian function function
    • mrs_points2Hz.m : converts unit from points to Hz
    • mrs_points2ppm.m : converts unit from points to ppm
    • mrs_ppm2Hz.m : converts unit from ppm to Hz
    • mrs_plotSpectra.m : displays spectra
    • mrs_plotBASISspectra.m: displays spectra in LCmodel .basis file
    • mrs_viewCSI.m : displays a spectrum from a selected voxel
    • mrs_rot90.m : rotates the spectra images 90 degree clockwise
    • mrs_T1corr.m : applies T1 correction
    • mrs_T2corr.m : applies T2 correction
    • mrs_calFWHM.m : calculates the full width at haflf maximum height of the peak of interest
    • mrs_calTemp.m : calculates the temperature based on chemical shift difference of the water resonance and the temperature-independent reference resonance
  • voxel_planner/

    • create_stdMaskvoxel.m&.fig : allows you to plan MRS voxel size & location with a guid of MR structural images of a standard brain (MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz) and functional region masks (HarvardOxford-cort-maxprob-thr0-1mm.nii.gz)

    Alt text

MRI_lib contains functions for post-processing, analysing and simulating Magnetic Resonance Imaging data

  • io/
    • mri_readHDR.m : reads .hdr MRI ANALYZE 7.5 header file
    • mri_readIMG.m : reads .img MRI ANALYZE 7.5 data file
    • mri_writeIMG.m : writes data to .img file
    • mri_readPAR.m : reads .PAR Philips MRI header file
    • mri_readREC.m : reads .REC Philips MRI data file
  • utils/
    • mri_IRcurve.m : calculates the inversion recovery (IR) curve
    • mri_absIRcurveFit.m : fits the data to absolute inversion recovery curve
    • mri_createSVOI.m : creates a mask for locating the spectroscopic VOI in MR images based on given information of MR images and MRS voxel.
    • mri_locateMask.m : creates a mask for locating the spectroscopic VOI in MR images based on Philips .PAR and .SPAR header files.
    • mri_dispSVOI.m : displays the spectroscopic VOI on top of MR images

NMR_lib: contains functions for NMR simulation

  • nmr_bloch.m : defines full Bloch equations in rotating frame
  • nmr_calT2star.m : calculates T2*
  • nmr_getGamma : returns gyromagnetic ratio value for different nuclei

Examples: contains example scripts. (Please email me if you want the data files)

  • example1.m : demonstrates how to use MR_libs to post-process MRS data.
  • example2.m : demonstrates how to use MR_libs to locate spectroscopic voxel in MR images.
  • example3.m : demonstrates how to use MR_libs to to simulate tye half-echo signal acquired using PRESS and STEAM sequences.respectively.
  • example4.m : demonstrates how to use MR_libs to do Bloch Equation simulation.
  • example5.m : demonstrates how to use MR_libs to simulate magnetisation profile produced by an RF pulse.
  • example6.m : demonstrates how to use MR_libs to estimate T1.
  • example7.m : demonstrates how to use MR_libs to displays a spectrum from a selected voxel (CSI data).
  • example8.m : demonstrates how to use MR_libs to create .RAW for a LCModel model spectrum, and create .in file for making a LCmodel basisset.


I would like to thank Professor Penny Gowland and Dr. Susan Francis for their supervision. I would also like to express my enormous thanks to Dr. Mary Stephensons and Dr. Emma Halls for their help and contributions.


Contains libraries for reading, writing and analysing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging (MRS & MRI) data.







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