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Shor's Order Finding Algorithm - Prototype Benchmark Program

Shor's Factoring Algorithm [1] is one of the most well-known and arguably famous applications of quantum computing. Shor's algorithm exponentially factors a product of any two primes faster than a classical computer which, currently can achieve this goal in superpolynomial time. However the resources required to factor even a small number is significant. For this reason, it serves as a useful benchmark to stretch the capabilities of current quantum hardware. Two versions of Shor's order finding algorithm are benchmarked with the difference between the methods being the amount of qubits used and when the circuit is measured.

Problem outline

Shor's factoring algorithm has two parts: a quantum subroutine and classical subroutine. The quantum subroutine solves the problem of period and order finding efficiently. Then upon finding the order of the appropriate function, determining the prime factors of a number can be computed classicly in polynomial time. Since the bottleneck of the factoring problem is solving the order finding problem, this benchmark focuses on this quantum subroutine of determining the order of a specific class of functions.

Suppose we are given a periodic function of the form where and and are positive integers. The order of is the smallest non-zero integer such that:

The goal is to determine the order . Upon calculating , a classical computer can compute the prime factors of in polynomial time.

The subroutine we are looking at in this benchmark, Shor's order finding, determines the order of various functions that take the form where . While some instances of this function maps on to a useful factoring problem there are instances that do not map on to a relevant factoring problem. For example, determining the order of can lead to factoring 15, however determining the order of will not solve any useful factoring problem.


Shor's order finding is benchmarked by running max_circuits circuits with random , , and values. Based on the number of qubits being benchmarked, we randomly generate an integer such that where represents the number of bits to represent . We then randomly generate an order such that and reduce if possible. We finally analytically generate a base such that with . Each circuit is repeated a number of times denoted by num_shots. We then run the algorithm circuit for numbers of qubits between min_qubits and max_qubits. For methods 1 and 2, we run circuit with 4n+2 numbers of qubits and 2n+3 qubits respectively with integer . The test returns the averages of the circuit creation times, average execution times, fidelities, and circuit depths, like all of the other algorithms. For this algorithm's fidelity calculation, we compare against the analytical expected distribution using our noise-normalized fidelity calculation.

Classical algorithm

Classically, to solve the problem of order finding requires querying the function with subsequent inputs until the function repeats. This requires queries to the function. Thus this classical algorithm takes time where represents the amount of bits to represent N. For completeness, the most efficient classical algorithm for integer factorization will be described below.

Classically, the most efficient algorithm for factoring integers is the general number field sieve [2] which factors the number (a bit number) in time where

The general number field sieve is the most efficient classical algorithm for integers larger than . For numbers less than , the quadratic sieve algorithm is the fastest algorithm for integer factorization with a complexity of [3].

Quantum algorithm

The quantum algorithm for order finding is a special case of Quantum Phase Estimation where the calculated phase contains information about the order. Review the Quantum Phase Estimation benchmark for more details on the mathematics of the algorithm. Since Quantum Phase Estimation has a runtime of , the problem of order finding, and by extension integer factoring, has an exponential speedup on a quantum computer compared to a classical computer.

The following implementations of Shor's order finding algorithm are implementations and improvements by Stephane Bearuegard [4]. This reference has a complete overview of the mathematical details but the key points will be reproduced here. The rest of this README will focus on the order finding quantum algorithm with information about calculating factors at the end of this readme.

General Quantum Circuit

The following circuit is the general quantum circuit for Shor's order finding with three quantum registers. This circuit is identical to the quantum phase estimation circuit where the only difference is the implementation of the unitary operator . For Shor's period finding the operator performs the following transformation .

Fig. 1. Circuit with . The first register is at the top, q0 with qubits. We also have q1 as the second register with qubits and q2 as the third register with qubits.

In brief, the algorithm makes use of a mathematical property of modular exponentiation along with a Quantum Fourier Transform, to reduce the possible set of numbers that must be tested to successfully determine the factors of a large number. This approach scales in a more optimal fashion than any known classical algorithm for factoring. To understand the intuition more, check out [5] and [6].

Algorithm Steps

The steps for Shor's order finding are the following. Note that we use the notation that within a single register we can represent a state two ways. For example, we can write the integer 1 in qubits as or as .

Additionally, note that this process is the same as applying Quantum Phase Estimation to estimate the eigenvalues of the operator . Because of the periodicity of , all of the eigenvalues have a phase proportional to . This can be seen by looking at the eigenvectors. Our first eigenvector is:

We can check this is an eigenvector by showing that

, using that



just applies a shift, so our general eigenvector is:

which you can convince yourself have eigenvalues

. This provides some motivation for why we are able to use phase estimation.
  1. Initialize all three registers. 2n qubits initialized to represent the first register known as the counting register. This register will store values proportional to by the end of the algorithm. The second register contains the state with quibts. The third register is an auxillary register with n+2 qubits used to compute the operator :

  2. Apply a 2n-bit Hadamard gate operation to the counting register:

    where denotes the integer representation of 2n-bit binary numbers.

  3. Next, the 2n controlled unitary operators are applied on the second and third register as shown in the circuit above. Recall that since performs ,

  4. Applying the inverse QFT to retrieves values proportional to in the counting register, exactly encoding the phase of the eigenvalues.

  5. Finally, measure the counting register in the computational basis. As seen by the above distribution, a value proportional to will be measured with a probability of , as the case gives us no information. From this measured value the continued fractions algorithm can be used to determine .

Gate Implementation

The following section depicts how the operator is generated, but for a deeper explanation, view this reference [4].

Gate Name Circuit Image
Controlled Ua Operator
Controlled Multiplier Operator
Controlled Modular Adder Operator
Phi Adder Operator

Circuit Methods

This benchmark has two circuit implementations of Shor's Period Finding algorithm that will be described below:

  • Method 1: the standard implementation that was described above with 3 quantum registers and 4n+2 qubits.

  • Method 2: reduces the circuit in method 1 by utilizing mid-circuit measurement. Instead of using 2n control qubits in the first register, this counting register is reduced to one control qubit that utilizes mid-circuit measurements to act as the 2n control qubits in method 1. For a more detailed explanation of this method, refer to Stephane Bearuegard's paper [4]. Below is one instance of the mid-circuit meausremnt sequence which is repeated 2n times


[1] Peter W. Shor. (1995). Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer. arXiv:quant-ph/9508027v2

[2] Arjen K. Lenstra and H. W. Lenstra, Jr. (1993). The development of the number field sieve. ISBN 978-3-540-47892-8

[3] Carl Pomerance. (1982). Analysis and Comparison of Some Integer Factoring Algorithms, in Computational Methods in Number Theory, Part I, H.W. Lenstra, Jr. and R. Tijdeman, eds., Math. Centre Tract 154, Amsterdam, 1982, pp 89-139. MR 700260

[4] Stephane Beauregard. (2003). Circuit for Shor's algorithm using 2n+3 qubits. arXiv:quant-ph/0205095

[5] Scott Aaronson. (2007). Shor, I’ll do it

[6] Abraham Asfaw, Antonio Córcoles, Luciano Bello, Yael Ben-Haim, Mehdi Bozzo-Rey, Sergey Bravyi, Nicholas Bronn, Lauren Capelluto, Almudena Carrera Vazquez, Jack Ceroni, Richard Chen, Albert Frisch, Jay Gambetta, Shelly Garion, Leron Gil, Salvador De La Puente Gonzalez, Francis Harkins, Takashi Imamichi, Hwajung Kang, Amir h. Karamlou, Robert Loredo, David McKay, Antonio Mezzacapo, Zlatko Minev, Ramis Movassagh, Giacomo Nannicini, Paul Nation, Anna Phan, Marco Pistoia, Arthur Rattew, Joachim Schaefer, Javad Shabani, John Smolin, John Stenger, Kristan Temme, Madeleine Tod, Stephen Wood, and James Wootton. (2020). Shor's Algorithm