Botsing 1.0.0
released this
19 Oct 09:06
739 commits
to master
since this release
Includes crash reproduction with weighted sum scalarization fitness function and simplified command line usage.
Command line interface
Botsing has three mandatory parameters:
the file with the stacktrace. The stacktrace should be clean and cannot contain any nested exceptions.-target_frame
the target frame to reproduce. This number should be between 1 and the number of frames in the stacktrace.-projectCP
the classpath of the project and all its dependencies. The classpath can be a folder containing all the required.jar
By default, Botsing uses the following parameter values:
, a time budget of 30 min. This value can be modified by specifying an additional parameter in format-Dsearch_budget=60
(here, for 60 seconds).-Dpopulation=100
, a default population with 100 individuals. This value may be modified using-Dpopulation=10
(here, for 10 individuals).-Dtest_dir=crash-reproduction-tests
, the output directory where the tests will be created (if any test is generated). This value may be modified using-Dtest_dir=newoutputdir
To check the list of options, use:
$ java -jar botsing-reproduction.jar -help
usage: java -jar botsing-reproduction.jar -crash_log stacktrace.log -target_frame 2
-projectCP dep1.jar;dep2.jar )
-crash_log <arg> File with the stack trace
-D <property=value> use value for given property
-help Prints this help message.
-projectCP <arg> classpath of the project under test and all its
-target_frame <arg> Level of the target frame
java -jar botsing-reproduction.jar -crash_log LANG-1b.log -target_frame 2 -projectCP ~/bin