- I watch a lot of youTube
- I use Lua to use Roblox games
- I don't understand Lua without all the libraries that Roblox includes
- I'm studying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- I usually check issues in geode-sdk/geode
- I know how to use Batch, and I make the code unnecessarily ugly
@echo off
title Welcome
echo Hi, this is a virus
timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul
title goodbye PC
echo System32, and SysWOW64 are being deleted, please wait...
timeout /t 7 /nobreak >nul
echo done!
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo Your pc is about to shut down, closing everything you have open. Strike any key when you're ready to proceed
pause >nul
shutdown /l
rem this basically logs off your user