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EmoSTL: PX-testing DSL for formal verification of spatial-temporal specifcation for discrete system in VR games.


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A library providing a query-DSL/APIs to query trace-files. Imagine an agent that is doing some work. We collect data from the agent in the form of a trace file that records sampled states of the agent. The file is in csv-format. We possibly have multiple trac file, coming from multiple runs of the agent (or runs of multiple agents).

The DSL allows an extended-LTL-like formulas to be written to query the trace files, if some of them (or all of them) would satisfy some properties.

In the context of Player Experience (PX) testing, these queries can express some emotional experience requirements that can be specified by time and area. This will be explained by some examples later on.

DSL feature:

  • Based on Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), with extensions below.
  • Spatial/area-coverage
  • Discrete-time bounding
  • First-derivative values
  • Sequential-patterns
  • Aggregation

How to Run

to test the reproducability of the results, you can run "Test_ZenopuslevelSpecifications" test file, located at src/test/java/ux.pxtesting.ltl.offline

Area and area coverage

An "area" represents some 3D-space. It can be a "surface", but generally it is a space.

Suppose an agent works in the area, and we want to now how much of the area is covered by the agent. Suppose the information we have is a sequence of samples of its locations while working in the area. The sequence is finite. Unfortunately, we cannot simply use the number of different locations in the sequence as a measure of coverage, because there are infinitely many locations contained in any non-empty area.

To address the above problem, we can imagine the area to be divided into disjoint voxels. A voxel is a small 3D-cube, by default of size 1-unit. The entire space can be thought to be divided by infinite number of adjacent voxels, aligned to the origin (0,0,0). The latter means that we have one voxel vx0 with (0,0,0) as its bottom corner, and (1,1,1) as it tops corner. Other voxels must be adjacent to vx0, or inductively adjacent to another voxel.

So, given an area A, we can calculate V(A) as the smallest set of voxels that subsumes A.

A visit at location p covers a voxel vx if p is inside vx. More precisely, if (x0,y0,z0) is vx's bottom, and (x1,y1,z1) is its top, then p covers vx if:

x0≤p.x<x1 ∧ y0≤p.y<y1 ∧ z0≤p.z<z

Now, given a finite set S of locations, representing sampled locations of our agent, its coverage over A can be defined as the set C = { vx | vx ∈ V(A) ∧ (∃ p: p∈S : p∈A ∧ p covers vx)}. In terms of percentage, the coverage is then:

100% * |C| / |V(A)|

NOTE: The current implementation explicitly constructs V(A) when A is created. It is therefore not suitable for representing vast areas.

Specifying areas

  • Imports:
import  eu.iv4xr.ux.pxtesting.ltl.Area ;
import static eu.iv4xr.ux.pxtesting.ltl.Area.* ;
import eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.Vec3;
  • A rectangle is specified by its bottom and top corner. The bottom corner is the one with lowest (x,y,z) position, and the top corner is its opposite. It is assumed to have 1-unit height (y-dimension).
RectangleArea A1 = rect(new Vec3(-0.5f,0,0), new Vec3(2,0,1)) ;
 RectangleArea A2 = rect(new Vec3(-1,0,0), new Vec3(2,0,3)) ;
 RectangleArea A3 = rect(new Vec3(-0.5f,0,0), new Vec3(3,0,4)) ;
  • Areas can be combined to construct a more complicatedly shaped area:
var B1 = A1.union(A2)
var B2 = B1.intersect(A3) // intersection of two areas ... in this example this gives empty
var B3 = A3.minus(A1) // A3 - A1
  • Checking if a location p is within an area:

Calculating area-coverage

Suppose S is a list of locations (instances of Vec3), below we obtain C: the voxels from V(A3) that are covered by S. The coverage percentage is given by c:

var C = A3.covered(S)
float c = 100f * A3.coveredPortion(S)

Offline processing

Imagine an agent that is doing some work. We collect data from the agent in the form of a trace file that records sampled states of the agent. The file is in csv-format.

  • The first row of the trace-file specify the column-names. Each name represent a property of the agent state. E.g. it could be:

posx, posy, posz, time, health, joy

  • Subsequent rows are sampled states. For example if r(k) is the k-th row, with k>0, in this example it will be a tuple of 6 nummeric values v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5 of the corresponding property-name. For example, v0 would be the value of posx in this state, and v5 the value of joy.

  • posx, posy, posz represents the agent position in a 3D space. At least posx should be present. If your data call these x,y,z instead (or other names), you can set their naming in XStateTrace.posxName, XStateTrace.posyName etc.

  • time is a time-stamp. It should be a whole number (a long, to be precise).

Imagine that the agent has had multiple runs. So, we have collected a bunch of trace-files (with the above format) from those runs.

Parsing trace-file

We can read these trace-files to be exposed to LTL-queries. Internally, it will then converted into an instance of XStateTrace, which is essentially a sequence of XState.

import eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.LTL;
import static eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.LTL.* ;
import eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.SATVerdict;
import eu.iv4xr.ux.pxtesting.ltl.Area ;
import static eu.iv4xr.ux.pxtesting.ltl.Area.* ;

XStateTrace trace1 = XStateTrace.readFromCSV(file1) ;
XStateTrace trace2 = XStateTrace.readFromCSV(file2) ;
XStateTrace trace3 = XStateTrace.readFromCSV(file3) ;

Enriching trace

Each of this XStateTrace contains simply the series of data as in the original trace-file. LTL has however a number of shortcomings, e.g. in LTL we cannot express the difference between the value of some property x in the current state, and in the previous state. Therefore we can't express a requirement that says that "eventually the value of x would decrease". LTL cannot express aggregation either. E.g. we cannot then express "in average, the value of x will never be below 0". Note that area-coverage is also an aggregation property.

To solve the above problem, we enrich our XStateTrace so it is augmented with derived information:

  • For every property x, we augmented the trace with the value of its first derivative (x'), which is the difference between x at state i and x at state i-1.

  • For selected property y, we augment the trace, such that each state i contains the whole history of pairs (p,yval) from the beginning of the trace up to i. Here p is the agent position at some previous state j, and yval is the value of y at that state j.

For example, the following will enrich trace1 with first-derivatives, and history-tracking for the property joy:



  • f1: the property health is always positive. f2: eventually health drops.
LTL<XState> f1 = always(S -> S.val("health") > 0) ;
LTL<XState> f2 = eventually(S -> S.diff("health") != null && S.diff("health") < 0) ;
  • There are special getters for OCC-properties: "hope", "joy", "satisfaction", "fear", "distress", and "satisfaction". E.g. gets the value of "joy" in the state S, and S.dJoy() gets the value of the first-derivative of joy in S.
LTL<XState> f3 = eventually(S -> S.dJoy != null && S.dJoy() > 0) ;

We can also write this as: eventually(J_()).

  • Eventually, the agent's joy increases while in the area A1:
LTL<XState> f4 = eventually(S ->
                   S.dJoy() != null
                   &&  S.dJoy() > 0.5
                   && A1.contains(S.pos))
  • The moments when the agent is joyful while in the area A1 will eventually cover most of the area:
LTL<XState> f5 = eventually(S ->
      A1.coveredPortion(S.history("joy", v-> v>=0.3)) >= 0.5) ;
  • Performing the queries on a single XStateTrace. This returns SATVerdict.SAT is the queried property is satisfied by the trace, and else SATVerdict.UNSAT.
  • Querying multiple XStateTraces. This returns boolean yes/no. Let suite be a list of XStateTraces.

The suite satisfies f2 is at least one trace satisfies it.

f2 is valid on the suite if no trace gives UNSAT on f2, and if there is at least one trace in the suite that gives SAT.

f2 is unsatisfiable on the suite if no trace in the suite gives SAT on f2, and at least one trace in the suite gives UNSAT.

Specifying properties with time constraints

  • Until-property with an absolute-time constraint. There are variants of the until and eventually where we can specify a time interval where the future assertion is expected to happen. The example below requires an increase in joy to occur in the future, namely in a time in the interval [100 ... 110]. The time is given here as abosolute time.
LTL<XState> f5 = eventually_within(J(),100,110)

Similarly we also have until_within(φ, Ψ,t0,t1).

  • Properties with a relative-time constraint: use eventually_rwithin(φ,t0,t1) or until_rwithin()φ, Ψ,t0,t1).

Examples of some requirments for emotion-PX testing.

  • example1- There should be no increase of hope in rooms 1 and 2, that can only happen on rooms 3

      LTL<XState> hopereq=ltlAnd(
        eventually(in(room3).and(H_()))) ;
  • example2- There is at least one trace in which fear should start increasing exactly at time 4 and for duration of at least 3 time stamps.

LTL<XState> temporalreq= eventually_within(until_atLeast(F(),nF(),3),4,4);

more examples can be found in Test_ListofXStateTrace file. To use the DSL you need to place your csv-trace file in ltl-pxevaluation/src/test/data/.


EmoSTL: PX-testing DSL for formal verification of spatial-temporal specifcation for discrete system in VR games.







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