Strong testing background delivering major pieces of work in an Agile environment Background testing within mobile / device testing teams especially Apple/iOS, Android or both 3-5 years+ using commercial and/or open source test automation tools across the test automation pyramid. Practical experience with iOS and especially the following programming languages and framework, i.e. Swift, xcode and XCUIT. Practical experience with Android and especially the following programming languages and framework, i.e. Java, and Appium. Knowledge of following programming languages and database query tools, i.e. Java, JavaScript, C#, SQL, HTML, XML etc. Javascript is a nice to have
The reason for this is, in Powershell the "-" has special meaning and it is causing problem with maven.
The solution is to prepend it with a backtick (`), for example:
mvn `-Dmaven.test.skip=true install
Maven package install without test skip tests
Please note that by default Maven uses the following naming conventions when looking for tests to run:
- Test*
- *Test
- *Tests (has been added in Maven Surefire Plugin 2.20)
- *TestCase
If your test class doesn't follow these conventions you should rename it or configure Maven Surefire Plugin to use another pattern for test classes.
- A Exception for junit4.11 and 4.12 about org/hamcrest/SelfDescribing
- Summary of changes in version 4.11 Basically JUint 4 is deprecated and has more issues in its older version. We've changed to JUnit 5 (Jupiter).