- Deployed via Heroku: https://alienworld-web.herokuapp.com/
Note: Web dyno is no longer free now and I need to subscribe their Eco Dynos Plan to keep my Heroku services.
Remember to cancel this service when I don't need it.
Current status: cancelled. To resubscribe - Deployed via Netlify: TODO
This project is developed solely by Charles, an intermediate automation software tester.
Note: the links are basic on a Windows OS. Try different installation links for Mac OS.
- Install Git
- Install Node.js
- Install Heroku CLI
Run these commands in the terminal to check whether prerequests are correctly installed:
git --version
node -v
npm -v
heroku --version
Open terminal (command prompt) and navigate to the location where you want to download and setup the project by doing the following steps
Run this command to clone the code:
git clone https://github.com/Sachielsc/alienworld-web.git
Run this command to install all the libraries in package.json
npm install
Run this command to login to Heroku
heroku login
Run this command to run this project locally
heroku local web
Charles recommends these websites to learn about the syntax of markdown documentations:
- Workshop
- Contact Me
- Game World
- Movie World
- Work Log
- Other Projects
- Community Hub (needs to include forum/discussion)
- Cover Letter
Community Hub with authentication function.
Add new code snippet to the page:
To add an entry to your package.json's dependencies:
npm install <package_name> --save
To add an entry to your package.json's devDependencies:
npm install <package_name> --save-dev
Use the manual way as per the official site
Heroku: How do I switch branches from master to main?
After checking the heroku log, we can find this error message: "No web processes running" with an H14 error code,. This typically occurs on Heroku when your application's dynos (containers that run your app) are not responding to incoming requests.
Here are the steps you can take to diagnose and resolve this issue:
Check Procfile: Make sure your application's root directory contains a file named
(no file extension) that specifies the command to run your web application. The content of the Procfile should be something like:web: <command to start your web app>
For example, if you're using Node.js, it might look like:
web: node server.js
Check Dyno Formation: Verify that you have at least one web dyno running for your application. You can scale your dynos using the Heroku CLI:
heroku ps:scale web=1
From the second step, we will know that web dyno is no longer free now and I need to subscribe their Eco Dynos Plan to keep my Heroku services.
Remember to cancel this service when I don't need it. Current status: cancelled. To resubscribe