- I wanted to try to make the clone application of the 9gag. There is no public api for 9gag. So I decided to use Giphy's develeoper API to get gif medias.
- I actually still working on the app for some feature implementations. 🤓
- Feel free ask anything or make pull requests for app's issues or to improve the application 🥳 (performance optimization, styles etc.)
- Here is a little part of the app.
You can checkout other features, Installation steps on Wiki Page
You can checkout the todo board of the project 👉 Go To Board
- react-native-community/cameraroll (Used to save media to gallery)
- rn-fetch-blob (Used to save media to gallery)
- react-navigation(Used to Routing and navigations)
- react-native-video(Used to pause / start media feature. For now.)
- axios (Used to make HTTP requests to Giphy API)
- react-native-dotenv (Used to import application configs from .env file)
- react-native-elements (React Native UI Toolkit)
react-native-9gag is MIT licensed.