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Cross-platform library of big number in C++.

Important Update

The input of the random number generator changes from "bytes" to "bits".

  • The new generators:
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomBN(size_t bits);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomBNStrict(size_t bits);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomPrime(size_t bits);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomPrimeStrict(size_t bits);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomSafePrime(size_t bits);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomSafePrimeStrict(size_t bits);
  • The old generators:
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomBN(size_t byteSize);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomBNStrict(size_t byteSize);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomPrime(size_t byteSize);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomPrimeStrict(size_t byteSize);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomSafePrime(size_t byteSize);
safeheron::bignum::BN RandomSafePrimeStrict(size_t byteSize);

Along with the update, all the usage should update too, otherwise there is a risk..

For example, we used to get a 256-bits number like this before:

    BN r = safeheron::bignum::BN RandomBN(256 / 8);

Now we must invoke the generator like this:

    BN r = safeheron::bignum::BN RandomBN(256);

If usage don't update then you will get a small number with 32-bits length, and then it could easily be guessed out by the adversary.


Build and Install

Linux and Mac are supported now. After obtaining the Source, have a look at the installation script.

git clone
cd crypto-bn-cpp
mkdir build && cd build
# Run "cmake .. -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=Your-Root-Directory-of-OPENSSL" instead of the command below on Mac OS.
# Turn on the switcher to enable tests; by default, turn off it if you don't wanna to build the test cases.
make test
sudo make install

More platforms such as Windows would be supported soon.

To start using crypto-bn-cpp


CMake is your best option. It supports building on Linux, MacOS and Windows (soon) but also has a good chance of working on other platforms (no promises!). cmake has good support for crosscompiling and can be used for targeting the Android platform.

To build crypto-bn-cpp from source, follow the BUILDING guide.

The canonical way to discover dependencies in CMake is the find_package command.


set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release")

find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
find_package(CryptoBN REQUIRED)

add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} XXXX.cpp)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC

Using class BN

#include "crypto-bn/bn.h"

using safeheron::bignum::BN;

int main(){
    BN n1 = BN::FromDecStr("351236171680578937197272793988364310158344798196852032811622206579");
    BN n2 = BN::FromDecStr("531137992816767098689588206552468627329593117727031923199444138200");
    BN n3 = BN::FromDecStr("206552468627329593117727031923199444195931177270319231994441382004");
    BN n4 = (n1 * n2) % n3;
    std::cout << "n4" << n4.Inspect() << std::endl;
    return 0;

Generate Random BN

#include "crypto-bn/bn.h"

using safeheron::bignum::BN;
int main(){
    // Create a BN which is 256 bits (32 bytes) long. 
    BN n = safeheron::rand::RandomBN(256);
    max = n;
    std::cout << s << std::endl;
    return 0;



  • BN() - Construct a BN object and initialized it with 0.
  • BN(long i) - Construct a BN object and initialized it with word i.
  • BN(const char * str, int base) - Construct a BN objet and initialized it with str on specified base.
  • BN(const BN & num) - A copy constructor.
  • BN(BN && num ) A move constructor.
  • operator=(BN && num) - A move assignment.
  • operator=(const BN & num ) - A copy assignment.

Bit operations

  • SetBit(unsigned long bit_index) - Set bits for this BN
  • ClearBit(unsigned long bit_index) - Clean bits for BN.
  • IsBitSet(unsigned long bit_index) - Return true if this BN bit is set
  • BitLength() - Return bits size.
  • ByteLength() - Return bytes size.
  • operator<<(unsigned long ui) - Shift this to left by ui bits, and return the result
  • operator<<=(unsigned long ui) - Shift this to left by ui bits
  • operator>>(unsigned long ui) - Shift this to right by ui bits, and return the result
  • operator>>=(unsigned long ui) - Shift this to right by ui bits


  • FromBytesBE(const uint8_t * buf, int len) - [static] Construct a BN object from byte buffer, in big endian
  • FromBytesBE(std::string & buf) - [static] Construct a BN object from byte string, in big endian
  • FromBytesLE(const uint8_t * buf, int len) - [static] Construct a BN object from byte buffer, in little endian
  • FromBytesLE(std::string & buf) - [static] - Construct a BN object from byte string, in little endian
  • FromDecStr(const char * str ) - [static] Construct a BN object from DEC char*
  • FromDecStr(const std::string & str) - [static] Construct a BN object from DEC string
  • FromHexStr(const char * str) - [static] Construct a BN object from HEX char*
  • FromHexStr(const std::string & str) - [static] Construct a BN object from HEX string
  • ToBytes32BE(std::string & buf) - Convert this BN to 32 bytes buff, in big endian
  • ToBytes32BE(uint8_t * buf32, int blen = 32) - Convert this BN to 32 bytes string, in big endian
  • ToBytes32LE(std::string & buf ) - Convert this BN to 32 bytes buff, in little endian
  • ToBytes32LE(uint8_t * buf32, int blen = 32) - Convert this BN to 32 bytes string, in little endian
  • ToBytesBE(std::string & buf ) - Convert this BN to bytes string, in big endian
  • ToBytesLE(std::string & buf ) - Convert this BN to bytes string, in little endian
  • ToDecStr(std::string & str ) - Convert this BN bits to a DEC string
  • ToHexStr(std::string & str ) - Convert this BN bits to a HEX string


  • operator+(const BN & num) - Add the BN num with this, and return the result
  • operator+(long si) - Add the long value si with this, and return the result
  • operator+=(const BN & num) - Add the BN num with this
  • operator+=(long si) - Add the long value si with this
  • operator-(const BN & num) - Sub the BN num from this, and return the result
  • operator-(long si) - Sub the long value si from this, and return the result
  • operator-=(const BN & num) - Sub the BN num from this
  • operator-=(long si) - Sub the long value si from this
  • operator*(const BN & num) - Mul the BN num with this, and return the result
  • operator*(long si) - Mul the long value si with this, and return the result
  • operator*=(const BN & num) - Mul the BN num with this
  • operator*=(long si) - Mul the long value si with this
  • operator/(const BN & num) - Div the BN num with this, and return the result
  • operator/(long si) - Div the long value si with this, and return the result
  • operator/=(const BN & num) - Div the BN num by this
  • operator/=(long si) - Div the long value si with this
  • operator%(const BN & num) - Mod the BN num with this, and return the result
  • operator%(unsigned long ui) - Mod the ULONG value ui with this, and return the result
  • Neg() - Return the negative of this


  • operator==(const BN & num) - Return true if this._bn == num._bn
  • operator==(long num) - Return true if this._bn == num._bn
  • operator!=(const BN & num) - Return true if this._bn != num._bn
  • operator!=(long num) - Return true if this._bn != num._bn
  • operator<=(const BN & num) - Return true if this._bn <= num._bn
  • operator<=(long si) - Return true if this._bn <= si
  • operator<(const BN & num) - Return true if this._bn < num._bn
  • operator<(long si) - Return true if this._bn < si
  • operator>(const BN & num) - Return true if this._bn > num._bn
  • operator>(long si) - Return true if this._bn > si
  • operator>=(const BN & num) - Return true if this._bn >= num._bn
  • operator>=(long si) - Return true if this._bn >= si


  • IsEven() - Return true if this BN is a even number
  • IsNeg() - Return true if this BN is a negative number
  • IsOdd() - Return true if this BN is an odd number
  • IsZero() - Return true if this BN is 0
  • Max(const BN & a, const BN & b) - [static] Return the max one between a and b
  • Min(const BN & a, const BN & b) - [static] Return the min one between a and b
  • Swap(BN & a, BN & b) - [static] Swap the values between a and b

Number Theory

  • IsProbablyPrime() - Return true is this is a prime, otherwise return false
  • Div(const BN & d, BN & q, BN & r) - Return quotient q = this / d and remainder r = this % d.
  • SqrtM(const BN & p) - Get square root on modulo m Return 'r' such that r^2 == this (mod p),
  • ExistSqrtM(const BN & p) - Return sqrt mod is exist or not.
  • Gcd(const BN & n) - Return the greatest common divisor of this and n
  • Inspect(int base = 16) - Return the string of this BN
  • InvM(const BN & m) - Return the inverse of (this modulo m) Compute the inverse modulo mod. Be careful, mode must be prime!!!
  • Lcm(const BN & n) const Return the least common multiple of this and n. lcm(a, b) = ab/gcd(a,b))
  • PowM(const BN & y, const BN & m) - Return the y-th power of this and modulo m r = (this ^ y) % m

Some features

Refer to

Development Process & Contact

This library is maintained by Safeheron. Contributions are highly welcomed! Besides GitHub issues and PRs, feel free to reach out by mail.
