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This software implements a library for elliptic curves based cryptography (ECC).


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This software implements a library for elliptic curves based cryptography (ECC).

  • It contains an extremely simple mathematical interface to onboard new elliptic curves. Use this library for general purpose elliptic curve cryptography.
  • It provides interfaces on ecdsa to Sepcp256k1 and P256.
  • It provides interfaces on eddsa to ed25519.

The library has a built in support for some useful operations/primitives such as verifiable secret sharing, commitment schemes, zero knowledge proofs etc. The library comes with serialize/deserialize support to be used in higher level code to implement networking.


Build and Install

Linux and Mac are supported now. After obtaining the Source, have a look at the installation script.

git clone
cd crypto-curve-cpp
git submodule update --init --recursive 
mkdir build && cd build
# Run "cmake .. -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=Your-Root-Directory-of-OPENSSL" instead of the command below on Mac OS.
# Turn on the switcher to enable tests; by default, turn off it if you don't wanna to build the test cases.
# Add the path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable on Mac OS; Ignore it on Linux
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/
make test
sudo make install

More platforms such as Windows would be supported soon.

Currently Supported Elliptic Curves

Curve low level library curve description
Secp256k1 OpenSSL bitcoin wiki
P-256 OpenSSL NIST.FIPS.186.4
Ed25519 ed25519-donna Ed25519: high-speed high-security signatures/

Note: Curve25519, SM2 and BLS12-381 will be supported soon.

To start using crypto-curve-cpp


CMake is your best option. It supports building on Linux, MacOS and Windows (soon) but also has a good chance of working on other platforms (no promises!). cmake has good support for crosscompiling and can be used for targeting the Android platform.

To build crypto-curve-cpp from source, follow the BUILDING guide.

The canonical way to discover dependencies in CMake is the find_package command.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release")

find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_search_module(PROTOBUF REQUIRED protobuf)  # this looks for *.pc file

find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
find_package(CryptoCurve REQUIRED)

add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} example.cpp)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC
        /usr/local/include  # This directory is included default on linux but not on Mac os

# This directory is included default on linux but not on Mac os
target_link_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC /usr/local/lib)

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC
        pthread )


#include "crypto-bn/bn.h"
#include "crypto-curve/curve.h"

using safeheron::bignum::BN;
using safeheron::curve::Curve;
using safeheron::curve::CurvePoint;
using safeheron::curve::CurveType;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // p0 = g^10
    CurvePoint p0;
    if(!p0.PointFromXY(BN("cef66d6b2a3a993e591214d1ea223fb545ca6c471c48306e4c36069404c5723f", 16),
                      BN("878662a229aaae906e123cdd9d3b4c10590ded29fe751eeeca34bbaa44af0773", 16),
        return 0;

    // p1 = g^100
    CurvePoint p1;
    if(!p1.PointFromXY(BN("490a19531f168d5c3a5ae6100839bb2d1d920d78e6aeac3f7da81966c0f72170", 16),
                       BN("bbcd2f21db581bd5150313a57cfa2d9debe20d9f460117b588fcf9b0f4377794", 16),
        return 0;

    // p2 = g^1000
    CurvePoint p2;
    if(!p2.PointFromXY(BN("b8fa1a4acbd900b788ff1f8524ccfff1dd2a3d6c917e4009af604fbd406db702", 16),
                       BN("9a5cc32d14fc837266844527481f7f06cb4fb34733b24ca92e861f72cc7cae37", 16),
        return 0;

    std::cout << (p0 * 10 == p1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << (p1 * 10 == p2) << std::endl;

    CurvePoint p3(CurveType::P256);
    p3 = p0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
        p3 += p0;
    std::cout << (p3 == p1) << std::endl;

    CurvePoint p4(CurveType::P256);
    p4 += p1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
        p4 += p1;
    std::cout << (p4 == p2) << std::endl;

    // P5 - P1 * 9 = P1
    CurvePoint p5(CurveType::P256);
    p5 = p2;
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
        p5 -= p1;
    std::cout << (p5 == p1) << std::endl;

    // P6 - P0 * 99 = P0
    CurvePoint p6(CurveType::P256);
    p6 = p2;
    for(int i = 0; i < 99; i++){
        p6 -= p0;
    std::cout << (p6 == p0) << std::endl;

    CurvePoint p7;
    std::cout << (p7.PointFromXY(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.GetCurveType())) << std::endl;
    std::cout << (p7.PointFromXY(p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.GetCurveType())) << std::endl;
    std::cout << (p7.PointFromXY(p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.GetCurveType())) << std::endl;
    return 0;


Class - safeheron::curve::CurvePoint

Constructor, Destructor and Assignment

  • explicit CurvePoint() - Constructor.
  • explicit CurvePoint(CurveType c_type) - Constructor.
  • CurvePoint(const CurvePoint &point) - Copy constructor.
  • explicit CurvePoint(const safeheron::bignum::BN &x, const safeheron::bignum::BN &y, CurveType c_type) - Constructor.
  • CurvePoint &operator=(const CurvePoint &point) - Copy Assignment.
  • ~CurvePoint() - Destructor.

Serialization and deserialization

  • ToProtoObject(safeheron::proto::CurvePoint &curvePoint) - Convert to an object of protobuf.
  • FromProtoObject(const safeheron::proto::CurvePoint &curvePoint) - Recover from an object of protobuf.
  • ToBase64(std::string& base64) const - Convert to a string encoded in base64 format.
  • FromBase64(const std::string& base64) - Recover from a string encoded in base64 format.
  • ToJsonString(std::string &json_str) const - Convert to a string encoded in json format.
  • FromJsonString(const std::string &json_str) - Recover from a string encoded in json format.

Encode and decode

  • EncodeCompressed(uint8_t* pub33) - Encode into compressed public key (33 bytes)
  • DecodeCompressed(const uint8_t* pub33, CurveType c_type) - Decode from compressed public key (33 bytes)
  • EncodeFull(uint8_t* pub65) - Encode into full public key (65 bytes)
  • DecodeFull(const uint8_t* pub65, CurveType c_type) - Decode from full public key (65 bytes)
  • void EncodeEdwardsPoint(uint8_t *pub32) - Encode into edwards public key (32 bytes)
  • bool DecodeEdwardsPoint(uint8_t *pub32, CurveType c_type) - Decode from edwards public key (32 bytes)


  • bool operator==(const CurvePoint &point) - P1 == P2.
  • bool operator!=(const CurvePoint &point) - P1 != P2.

Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication

  • CurvePoint operator+(const CurvePoint &point) - Res = P1 + P2.
  • CurvePoint operator-(const CurvePoint &point) - Res = P1 - P2.
  • CurvePoint operator*(const safeheron::bignum::BN &bn) - Res = P1 * n.
  • CurvePoint operator*(long n) - Res = P1 * n.
  • CurvePoint &operator+=(const CurvePoint &point) - P1 += P2.
  • CurvePoint &operator-=(const CurvePoint &point)- P1 -= P2.
  • CurvePoint &operator*=(const safeheron::bignum::BN &bn) - P1 *= n.
  • CurvePoint &operator*=(long n) - P1 *= n.

Auxiliary Function

  • ValidatePoint(const safeheron::bignum::BN &x, const safeheron::bignum::BN &y, CurveType c_type) - Check if the point with specified x and y is valid.
  • IsValid() - Check if the curve point is valid.
  • IsInfinity() - Check if the curve point is infinity.
  • PointFromXY(const safeheron::bignum::BN &x, const safeheron::bignum::BN &y, CurveType c_type) - Return a CurvePoint by coordinate x and y.
  • PointFromX(safeheron::bignum::BN &x, bool yIsOdd, CurveType c_type) - Recover point from coordinate x.
  • PointFromY(safeheron::bignum::BN &y, bool xIsOdd, CurveType c_type) - Recover point from coordinate y, only for edwards point
  • CurveType GetCurveType() - Return the type of CurvePoint.

Namespace - safeheron::curve::ecdsa

  • Sign(...) - Sign in ecdsa.
  • Verify(...) - Verify signature in ecdsa.
  • Sig64ToDer(...) - Convert signature from 64 bytes into der format.
  • DerToSig64(...) - Convert signature from der format into 64 bytes.
  • RecoverPublicKey(...) - Recover public key from signature.
  • VerifyPublicKey(...) - Verify Public key.

Namespace - safeheron::curve::eddsa

  • Sign(...) - Sign in ecdsa.
  • Verify(...) - Verify signature in ecdsa.

Development Process & Contact

This library is maintained by Safeheron. Contributions are highly welcomed! Besides GitHub issues and PRs, feel free to reach out by mail.


This software implements a library for elliptic curves based cryptography (ECC).







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