Docker image for Mumble web.
Please install first Mumble Server with NGINX and Let's Encrypt
mumble-web is an HTML5 Mumble client for use in modern browsers.
The Mumble protocol uses TCP for control and UDP for voice. Running in a browser, both are unavailable to this client. Instead Websockets are used for control and WebRTC is used for voice (using Websockets as fallback if the server does not support WebRTC).
In WebRTC mode (default) only the Opus codec is supported.
In fallback mode, when WebRTC is not supported by the server, only the Opus and CELT Alpha codecs are supported. This is accomplished with libopus, libcelt (0.7.1) and libsamplerate, compiled to JS via emscripten. Performance is expected to be less reliable (especially on low-end devices) than in WebRTC mode and loading time will be significantly increased.
Quite a few features, most noticeably all administrative functionallity, are still missing.
Clone this repositories
git clone
Edit end configure .env
Start with : docker-compose up (or docker-compose up -d)
In order to persist configuration data when upgrading your container you should create a named data volume. This is not required but is highly recommended.
docker volume create --name slice
docker-compose up -d