These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.
Need to have node installed for frontend and python for backend.
First of all clone the project and move to that directory.
git clone
cd ./CandidateRank
Then make a virtual environment using python 3 and activate it. FYI, I used python 3.5.2 for this project.
virtualenv -p python3 my_env
source my_env/bin/activate
Next step is to install modules for backend, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After that run:
python migrate
This will create the complete schema.
Next step is to import data from csv file, run the following command:
python import_candidate_data candidates_data.csv
After that create a django superuser for using django admin panel:
python createsuperuser
Now, everything on backend is setup, go ahead and run the server:
python runserver
The server will start on port 8000 by default
You can go to django admin panel via http://localhost:8000/admin/ and login using the superuser credentials created above. You can see all the models populated with data from csv.
Move to the frontend folder
cd frontend
Install node modules
npm install
After that just start the server
npm start
Now, go to http://localhost:3000/signup and sign up. But the jobs list won't be retrieved unless you assign this newly created user to the Hiring Team
group from admin panel.
For that go to http://localhost:8000/admin/auth/user/ and select the user you want to give permission to, and double click on the Hiring Team
under available groups. Then, save and now when you login via http://localhost:3000/login:
You'll see a list of jobs and candidates against each job ordered in descending order of their score.