🌐 Live Link: https://tour-2b613.web.app/
🗂️ Server Side Repository: https://github.com/Sajjadhosenshohan/tour-spots-server-side
GoWilds is a website that helps people plan trips in Southeast Asia. It gathers information about popular tourist spots, making it easy for travelers to discover new places and organize their trips. Users can create their own lists of favorite spots, update them, and find information based on price and location.
- 🌐 Frontend: React,TailwindCSS, Daisy ui,Vite
- 🖥️ Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
- 🔐 Authentication: Firebase
🌍 Country-Based Filter: Users can filter tourist spots by country, making it easy to discover destinations specific to their preferred Southeast Asian location.
🌙 Theme Change option: The website offers a dark mode option, allowing users to switch to a darker theme for a more comfortable viewing experience, especially in low-light environments.
🔍 Personal Spot Management and Price Filter: Users can view, update, and delete their own added tourist spots. In the "All Tourist Spots" section, they can also filter spots based on price, helping them find options that fit their budget.
To set up Gowilds on your local machine, follow these steps:
git clone https://github.com/Sajjadhosenshohan/tour-spots-client-site.git
cd tour-spots-client-site
npm install
npm run dev
= "http://localhost:5000"FIREBASE_API_KEY
= your_firebase_api_keyFIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN
= your_firebase_auth_domainFIREBASE_PROJECT_ID
= your_firebase_project_idFIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET
= your_firebase_storage_bucketFIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID
= your_firebase_messaging_sender_idFIREBASE_APP_ID
= your_firebase_app_id
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at mdshohansajjad@gmail.com