Software Developer | Mentor | Open Source Contributor | Freelancer | Lecturer | Volunteer | Session Monitor & Facilitator | Agile Trainer
Passionate for learning and exploring new technologies💭. I believe in giving my best and love what I do 🤓. Life is too short to explore all and more I learn, the more I grow💻. You can checkout my Journey by visiting here!🙋♀️
Also, I'm technology enthusiastic 💖, I want to learn things quickly and dive deep inside them. I always believe in developing logical things which make an impact on the end-users.💖 and I like to spend my time in leveraging my skills 💪, attending various events 🗓️ & contributing in any way possible 🌟. Additionally travelling 🧳, music 🎼, reading 📖, puzzles⚡ and spicy food 😋 is what I like the most.
I would love to connect with you, so do not hesitate to connect with me on LinkedIn 🤝. Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested to talk or any queries, I am always open for a conversation!😃✔
🔭 I’m currently working as Senior Mobile Application Developer.
🌱 I’m currently learning Devops in depth,IOT,Blockchain,AR & VR,Copilot
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source projects
🤝 I’m open to collaboration regards to Competitive Programming and DSA
💬 Ask me about Flutter, SpringBoot, NodeJs, Docker, Kotlin, Java, or any tech stuff related with CICD
📫 How to reach me, LinkedIn Account below