Releases: Salami-Sam/PantserWriterBeta
PantserWriter Beta 5.4
Just added selection word count, but thought that it was a desirable enough feature that I would dedicate a new release.
PantserWriter Beta 5.3
Changed how opening related notes list works. See Wiki for info
PantserWriter Beta 5.2
Improved some UI quirks, centered the editor in full screen mode with a narrower max width for better experience (let me know if you like the other way better).
You can now toggle autosave.
PantserWriter Beta 5.2
Just added more paragraph margin editing tools. This should fix paragraph spacing after inserting lists and bullets.
PantserWriter Beta 5.1
Fixed spell check suggestion context menu by changing the way linked notes appear in list
PantserWriter Beta 5
Big changes. Added more styling options, spellchecking ( WIP: currently slows down the app), auto indenting, numbered lists. Some minor bugs were introduced, but your files should be preserved with just as much reliability as before. When in doubt, Ctrl+Z to Undo.
PantserWriter Beta 4.1
Fixed copy and paste. So copy and paste works again now.
PantserWriter Beta 4
Overall better usability.
You can now backup a project to another folder/directory.
Opening linked note files is very reliable and user friendly.
Now there is a handy button to press that will reset the windows' layout to their default layout.
You can refresh your project to identify files that you may have drag/dropped into the project's manuscript and/or notes folders.
Only .rtf file will populate in the UI now, as is the design. If other file types would be nice to open as well, file out a feature request.
PantserWriter Beta 3
Added keyword context menu to open and edit notes without searching through the files. Ctrl + Z no longer deletes everything, but holding it down makes the cursor get out of place.
PantserWriter Beta 2
Fixed a lot of glaring bugs. Made more user friendly. Some minor bugs may still exist.