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54 lines (40 loc) · 3.14 KB

File metadata and controls

54 lines (40 loc) · 3.14 KB

response = cbsmssk1.SecureKey.Service.MONORAIL, cbsmssk1.SecureKey.httpVerb.GET, system.label.s_HMAC_Endpoint_Domain, system.label.s_HMAC_Endpoint_Search + key );

var myuuid = '3b241101-e2bb-4255-8caf-4136c566a962'

RCA - Root Cause Ananlysis

In summary, root cause analysis (RCA, ili research spike) treba da nam da uvid na koji nacin kroz Monorail i TalkDesk new accounts i contacts kreiraju. Na osnovu uvida moramo da zakljucimo zasto se u sistemu stvaraju duplicates.

Kada zavrsimo research spike, slijedeca user story trazi da merge duplicate contacts and accounts in production. Trenutno u sistemu ima preko 15,000 duplicates.

For additional context, TalkDesk je managed package koji su koristili za call center. Taj call center je deprecated i ubuduce ce samo dozvoljavati korisnicama da loguju new cases via web form and email.

Monorail je ime koji su dali svome sistemu.` Coinbase tech stack za web app je rails i react. Plus, dodali su Snowflake za data warehouse. Mi imamo integraciju izmedju Salesforce i Snowflake. Npr., kada korisnik hoce da create new case, initate ce proces kroz web app ili mobile app. Monorail ce da call Snowflake i da pass customer data to Salesforce. U Salesforce pocinje case management i case disposition je synced into Snowflake.

Query method koji bi trebao da provjeri da li subject account ili contact postoji, neradi ili ga nema u sistemu.

Setting DML Options

You can specify DML options for insert and update operations by setting the desired options in the Database.DMLOptions object.

You can set Database.DMLOptions for the operation by calling the setOptions method on the sObject, or by passing it as a parameter to the Database.insert and Database.update methods.

The Database.DMLOptions class has the following properties: • allowFieldTruncationProperty • assignmentRuleHeaderProperty • dupicateRuleHeader • emailHeaderProperty • localeOptionsProperty • optAllOrNoneProperty

DMLOptions settings take effect only for record operations performed using Apex DML and not through the Salesforce user interface.

duplicateRuleheader Property

The dupicateRuleHeader property determines whether a record that’s identified as a duplicate can be saved. Duplicate rules are part of the Duplicate Management feature.

Using the dupicateRuleHeader property, you can set these options:

  • allowSave: Indicates whether a record that’s identified as a duplicate can be saved.

The following example shows how to save an account record that’s been identified as a duplicate. To learn how to iterate through duplicate errors, see DuplicateError Class.

Database.DMLOptions dml = new Database.DMLOptions();
dml.DuplicateRuleHeader.AllowSave = true;
Account duplicateAccount = new Account(Name='dupe');
Database.SaveResult sr = Database.insert(duplicateAccount, dml);
if (sr.isSuccess()) {
    System.debug('Duplicate account has been inserted in Salesforce!');