A multi-purpose SQL generator for cmangos tbc-db created in Windows Forms.
Features are primarily being added when I have a need for them myself, but suggestions are welcome.
Current features:
- The application supports both MDI childs and separate windows
- Filter sniff files based on a packet white- or blacklist.
- Import creature and gameobject spawn data from sniff files. Sort them by entry, delete duplicates and generate SQL for insertion into tbc-db.
- Easily generate a large amount of pools based on parameters you enter.
- Subtract packet timestamps (useful when working on scripts that require delicate timing)
- Easily add single creature spawns by pasting the position string and other data
- Time spellcasts from sniffs
- Import and update model speed from sniffs
- Generate waypoints for flying creatures using points sent in CreateObject
- Import creature and gameobject spawns from sniffs into a temporary DB in order to later add them to tbc-db
- Parse texts from multiple files and filter them
- Convert SMSG_PET_SPELLS_MESSAGE packets into SQL
- Update creature_template data from sniffs