This is a generic Oauth/Jwt authentication library for vuejs applications. It can be used with any vue app if you are relying on keycloak for authentication.
Uses keycloak-js internally:
Release on npm:
- Supports keycloak login
- Guest auth / User identification over a random guid
- Automatically add the token to requests
- Handles token refresh
- Logout
Add the import: import Auth from '@samhammer/authentication-vue';
Before checking if the user is authenticated or doing anything else with the library you have to ensure that the initialization has been done properly. You can call the below method multiple times and the initialization is just done once during application lifetime.
import Auth from "@samhammer/authentication-vue";
Type | Name | Description |
guestAuth |
guestClientId | The store prefix used for guest login |
guestAuth |
guestRoles | The assigned roles when using guest login |
userAuth |
authUrl | The base auth url of keycloak (e.g. "") |
userAuth |
realm | Authentication realm used in keycloak |
userAuth |
apiClientId | The client id your api uses (required for role checks) |
userAuth |
appClientId | The id of the public client used for authentication |
optional |
keycloakInitOptions | Object to allow overriding of all settings on keycloakjs.init(). |
optional |
store | Instance of a store. Default: LocalStore (saves in LocalStorage) |
This has to be set when using guest authuserAuth
This has to be set when using user authoptional
This field can be set if it is required
InitOnce needs to be called before any login action and also to initialize authentication state. In case we are already authentication, the event "AuthEventNames.isAlreadyAuthenticated" is emitted.
Below call will trigger the web login flow. The auth token is saved to the store. After successful login keycloak will redirect to the given url.
import Auth from "@samhammer/authentication-vue";
If you wan't to use guest authentication just call "Auth.loginGuest()". A new random guid will be generated and saved in the store.
Guests always have the role "User" only.
import Auth from "@samhammer/authentication-vue";
Logout removes the token from the store and does a keycloak logout (if not guest).
import Auth from "@samhammer/authentication-vue";
- Auth.authenticated => Check if a user is authenticated. Returns true if so.
- Auth.hasRole('roleName', 'apiClientId') => Check if a user has a specific role for api client id, if apiclientid is not specified, the apiclientid in AuthOptions will be used.
- Auth.isGuest => Returns true if authenticted as guest
- addAuthTokenInterceptor => Automatically adds the auth token to axios requests. With keycloak authentication the header named "Authentication" is used for the json web token. With guest auth the random guid is added to the header "guestid".
- addAuthErrorInterceptor => Handles auth errors by emititing the vue event "AuthEventNames.loginRequired" in case of an error 401 and "AuthEventNames.permissionDenied" in case of an 403 http status response
Just add the following snippet for the described behavior:
import axios, { AxiosInstance } from "axios";
import { AuthAxiosInterceptor } from "@samhammer/authentication-vue";
You can implement passing the token by yourself. Just don't call the methods to add axios interceptors and fetch the token like that:
import Auth from "@samhammer/authentication-vue";
Note: In case of guest authentication the token is the random guid of the guest.
- isAlreadyAuthenticated = Triggered on initOnce if the user is already signed in
- loginRequired = Triggered on an axios request in case of a status code 401 (addAuthErrorInterceptor required)
- permissionDenied = Triggered on an axios request in case of a status code 403 (addAuthErrorInterceptor required)
Can be handled like that:
import { AuthEvents, AuthEventNames } from "@samhammer/authentication-vue";
public mounted(): void {
AuthEvents.on(AuthEventNames.permissionDenied, this.onPermissionDenied);
public beforeDestroy(): void {, this.onPermissionDenied);
private onPermissionDenied(): void {
// Do something
Defines where data such as the refresh, access and id token are stored. There are two predefined stores: the LocalStore, which stores the data in the local storage, and the ChromeStore, which stores the data in the local chrome storage. The second can be used for Chrome extensions, for example.
Create a class and implement the provided Store interface:
import { Store } from "@samhammer/authentication-vue";
class CustomStore implements Store {
setItem(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
// Save data
getItem(key: string): Promise<string> {
// Save data
removeItem(key: string): Promise<void> {
// Delete data
After that add the store in the authOptions.
- Create & Push a tag with new version number
- The CICD actions will take this version number for npm package automatically
- Check github action to validated, that package was released to npm registry.