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How to Build Runtime with GBS for Tizen/RPi4

This document describes how to build runtime with GBS for Tizen AARCH64. As a real example, we'll also describe how to prepare Tizen on Raspberry Pi 4 and show you how to run our test package runner onert_run.

For ARM32, there would be not much difference with some changes.

Host PC is Ubuntu 18.04 but other versions or distro may work with a little adjustments.

Detailed technical informations are not described here so please read referecnce pages while you go on.

Setting up build environment

(1) Add Tizen build tools repo

$ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

Add this at the end

deb [trusted=yes] /

Note: There's a slash('/`) at the end.

For other versions of Ubuntu, please refer lists.

(2) Update package informations and upgrade to latest

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

(3) Install GBS tools

$ sudo apt-get install gbs mic

To get more informations, please refer HERE


(1) Set python2 as default python

Some tools of GBS run in python2 and won't run with python3. Please check python version and set it to 2.x.


You may set GBS-ROOT to any place you like. Ususally we use home folder.


Adding to $HOME/.profile file would be a good thing.

(3) clone ONE repo

git clone

(4) Build

$ cd ONE

$ gbs -c infra/nnfw/config/gbs.conf build --include-all -A aarch64 --define 'test_build 1'
  • -A aarch64 is to set architecture to AARCH64. Use arm32 for ARM32 target.
  • --define 'test_build 1' is to enable test build so that we can use onert_run

Now take a cup of coffee.

(5) Build result RPM packages

$ ls ~/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen/aarch64/RPMS

-1.10.0-1 may differ as this document was written with under 1.10.0 development.

Prepare Tizen on Raspberry Pi 4

Please refer for detailed descriptions.

(1) Download flashing tool

$ wget \ \

$ chmod 755

(2) Prepare Micro-SD memory card.

You first need to find out device name. This document will skip how to find this. Suppose it's /dev/sdj:

$ sudo ./ -d /dev/sdj --format

You need to change /dev/sdj to your configuration.

Partition table may look like this

Device     Boot    Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/sdj1  *        8192   139263   131072   64M  e W95 FAT16 (LBA)
/dev/sdj2         139264  6430719  6291456    3G 83 Linux
/dev/sdj3        6430720  9183231  2752512  1.3G 83 Linux
/dev/sdj4        9183232 62521343 53338112 25.4G  5 Extended
/dev/sdj5        9185280 61958143 52772864 25.2G 83 Linux
/dev/sdj6       61960192 62025727    65536   32M 83 Linux
/dev/sdj7       62027776 62044159    16384    8M 83 Linux
/dev/sdj8       62046208 62111743    65536   32M 83 Linux
/dev/sdj9       62113792 62130175    16384    8M 83 Linux
/dev/sdj10      62132224 62263295   131072   64M 83 Linux
/dev/sdj11      62265344 62521343   256000  125M 83 Linux

(3) Download images

Please visit and

Please visit iot-boot-armv7l-rpi4 folder for ARM32 images.

Get latest file. As of writing this document, name has 20200908.3.

$ wget

$ wget

(4) Flash images to memory card

As like above, suppose memory card is at /dev/sdj

$ sudo ./ -d /dev/sdj \
-b tizen-unified_20200908.3_iot-boot-arm64-rpi4.tar.gz \

You need to change /dev/sdj to your configuration and also tizen-unified_... file to your latest download file name.

(5) Assign IP address for sdb connection

Here, we provide a way to connect sdb tool through TCP/IP.

Below steps will modify root image and set fixed IP address.

(5-1) Mount image to host

$ mkdir j2
$ sudo mount /dev/sdj2 j2

As like above, please update /dev/sdj2 to your configuration.

(5-2) Add a new file

$ vi j2/etc/systemd/system/ip.service

and set as like:

ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "ifconfig eth0 192.168.x.y netmask up"


Replace 192.168.x.y to your actual ip address.

(5-3) Add a symbolic link

$ sudo mkdir -p j2/etc/systemd/system/
$ pushd j2/etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo ln -s ../../system/ip.service .
$ popd

(5-4) Now that every thing is ready, unmount and unplug your memory card and plug into RPi4, turn on the power.

$ sync
$ sudo umount j2

sdb connect to Tizen/RPi4

You may need to install Tizen Studio to use sdb command. Please visit if you don't have this.

We assume sdb command is in the PATH.

(1) Connect

$ sdb connect 192.168.x.y
connecting to 192.168.x.y:26101 ...
connected to 192.168.x.y:26101

Please update 192.168.x.y part to your actual IP address.

Check with devices command: you should see rpi3 or alike.

$ sdb devices
List of devices attached
192.168.x.y:26101     device          rpi3

(2) Remount filesystem with R/W

You need to remount file system with Read/Write so that you can install packages.

$ sdb root on
$ sdb shell

Inside your Tizen/RPi4:

sh-3.2# mount -o rw,remount /

(3) Download dependent packages

In your host, maybe with another terminal, download packages from

$ wget

$ wget

$ wget

(4) Copy to device

$ sdb push libarmcl-v21.02-17.5.aarch64.rpm /opt/usr/home/owner/share/tmp/
$ sdb push libhdf5-101-1.10.1-3.85.aarch64.rpm /opt/usr/home/owner/share/tmp/
$ sdb push libhdf5_cpp101-1.10.1-3.85.aarch64.rpm /opt/usr/home/owner/share/tmp/

And our runtime packages

$ cd ~/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen/aarch64/RPMS
$ sdb push nnfw-1.10.0-1.aarch64.rpm /opt/usr/home/owner/share/tmp/
$ sdb push nnfw-test-1.10.0-1.aarch64.rpm /opt/usr/home/owner/share/tmp/

(5) Install dependent packages

Within Tizen/RPi4 shell

sh-3.2# cd /opt/usr/home/owner/share/tmp/

sh-3.2# rpm -i libarmcl-v21.02-17.5.aarch64.rpm
sh-3.2# rpm -i libhdf5-101-1.10.1-3.85.aarch64.rpm
sh-3.2# rpm -i libhdf5_cpp101-1.10.1-3.85.aarch64.rpm

There may be message like this but it seems OK:

/sbin/ldconfig: Cannot lstat /lib64/ Permission denied

Continue install

sh-3.2# rpm -i nnfw-1.10.0-1.aarch64.rpm
sh-3.2# rpm -i nnfw-test-1.10.0-1.aarch64.rpm

Our Product binary folder is installed at /opt/usr/nnfw-test.

sh-3.2# cd /opt/usr/nnfw-test
sh-3.2# ls -al
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 Jan  1 09:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 Jan  1 09:05 ..
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Jan  1 09:05 Product
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Jan  1 09:05 infra

(6) Run nnpackage

Refer document to produce nnpackage from a model.

Assume mobilenet_v2_1.4_224 nnpackage is already copied to /opt/usr/home/owner/media/models folder with sdb command.

sh-3.2# BACKENDS="cpu" Product/out/bin/onert_run \

Package Filename /opt/usr/home/owner/media/models/mobilenet_v2_1.4_224
MODEL_LOAD   takes 65.403 ms
PREPARE      takes 158.716 ms
EXECUTE      takes 373.447 ms
- MEAN     :  373.447 ms
- MAX      :  373.447 ms
- MIN      :  373.447 ms
- GEOMEAN  :  373.447 ms