It watches a certain facebook page and displays the number of likes that a particular page has got in whatever mendix application its embeded in
Displays number of likes of a particular facebook page
Mendix 6.10
Mendix 7.3
The widget requires a context
Datasource: The context attribute to be set
Appearence: How the retrieved information will be displayed.
Sources and sample project at Github
please contribute fixes and extensions at
We are actively maintaining this widget, please report any issues or suggestion for improvement at
Prerequisite: Install git, node package manager, webpack CLI and grunt CLI
To contribute, fork and clone.
git clone
The code is in typescript. Use a typescript IDE of your choice, like Visual Studio Code or WebStorm.
To set up the development environment, run:
npm install
Create a folder named dist in the project root.
Create a Mendix test project in the dist folder and rename its root folder to SocialCounts-main. Changes to the widget code shall be automatically pushed to this test project.
To automatically compile, bundle and push code changes to the running test project, run:
Non so far
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