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My nixos Flake ❄️

hyprland screenshot

This is more than my config, it's a flake. There are a couple packages, flake templates and overlays too.

I currently manage it in order to be easy to pick and use for everybody. The main user name is defined in an option and secrets are optionals. In the this default config you can find a sample config that shoud easy to tweak. If you want to to a test just use the install wizard (desciption below)


  • xdg-desktop-portal-termfilechooser (use ranger instead of gui file manager)
  • monofurx (patched version of the original monofur)
  • libcamera-surface (see the file for credits, update to version 0.1.0)


Nixos setup

I've made a wizard for setupping this config on a new nixos machine. Just run nix run github:SamueleFacenda/nixos-config and follow the instructions.

Flake setup

If you want to use that packages in your config:

inputs.nixos-samu.url = "github:SamueleFacenda/nixos-config";
inputs.nixos-samu.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

# configuration.nix

{inputs, pkgs, ...}: {
  xdg.portal.extraPortals = with pkgs; [
  font.packages = [

How to configure after install

If you plan to use this on you machine it should be easy to do. The process is described above, and you also should:


  • zsh
  • powerlevel10k
  • neovim + copilot
  • secure boot
  • surface kernel
  • IPTS (surface pen)
  • fonts
  • cache cleanup
  • rice (for me this is enough)
  • wallaper(s)
  • wakatime
  • cli trash bin with clean up
  • spotify with spicetify
  • ranger with kitty image preview
  • hyprland
  • agenix
  • dev and pwn shells
  • kitty
  • remote build with
  • waybar
  • xdg-desktop-portal-shana
  • known networks
  • hyprland gnome indipendence
  • power profiles daemon
  • wpa supplicant config
  • nordic like theme (blue dark)
  • make suspend, screen off and sleep work
  • stylix
  • phone integration (kde connect/gsconnects)
  • waydroid
  • kanshi dynamic monitor config (crash on change, hyprland problem)
  • nixd language server
  • swayosd (on screen display)
  • flameshot
  • hyprfocus
  • spotifyd, spotify-player
  • flake templates
  • waybar mpris, taskbar, drawers for brightness
  • adjust nixpkgs wayland overlay
  • termfilechooser portal
  • spotify-player
  • discocss (discord)
  • nix index database
  • tinyproxy wakapi
  • flake installer wizard with nix run
  • on screen keyboard for tablet mode
  • networkmanager config
  • image builder
  • nwg bar
  • touchpad gestures (hyprland native)
  • hyprland workspacer (good workspaces on multi-monitor)
  • swaync
  • anti oled burn-in
  • hyprcursor Adwaita
  • hyprexpo
  • luks2, tmp2 unlock
  • nh
  • tray (blueman, nm)

Possible packages

Good packages not installed becouse I don't need them. They are probably usefule for less expert users.

  • nwg-dock-hyprland
  • nwg-drawer
  • waycorner

Waiting for an home-server...

  • syncthing
  • home server containers

Waiting for these PR:

Overlays (custom packages and other):

  • micro-wakatime (faster loading)
  • nerdfonts (use monofur with bullet point character from blexmono)
  • rpl (update version)
  • monofurx (new pkg)
  • libcamera-surface (new pkg)
  • xdg-desktop-portal-termfilechooser (new pkg)
  • eza (add some icons mapping)
  • nwg-bar (better icon support with gtk themes)


My nixos config






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