👋 Hi, I’m @SamyakJhaveri. A Software Engnineering Ph.D. Student at Univeristy of California Irvine 💻
- 🔎 I’m interested in Software Engineering, Quantum Software, Quantum Computing, Machine Learning.
- ⚛️ Exploring Software Aspects of Quantum Computing to improve software development in and for quantum computing environments
- 🌱 I’m currently exploring how to make better software tools and programming models for using with quantum computers, and also how to use quantum copmuters for computational biology applications like genomcis research
- 🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on research papers, open-source projects, and industry R&D projects!
- 📫 How to reach me:
Email: samyakjhaveri2799@gmail.com, OR
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samyak-jhaveri/
Most adept with: Python,
Generous amount of experience with: Markdown, Dart, SQL, LaTeX, Arduino C, Java, C/C++
Services: AWS Braket, DWave Leap Cloud Quantum Computing Service.
Software Development Tools: Jupyter Notebook, VSCode, Visual Studio, Android Studio, Repl.It, Anaconda
Research and Academic Tools: Obsidian, Zotero, Overleaf, Research Rabbit, ChatGPT Prompt Engineering
Frameworks and Libraries: AWS Braket SDK, DWave Ocean SDK, Qiskit, TensorFlow, Flutter, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Spacetime Global-object-Tracking Framework, Pandas, numpy, matplotlib, dask, xgboost, lightgbm, ast, pyqubo, NetworkX, nltk, BeautifulSoup
Soft-Skills: Clear Communication, Active Listening, Collaboration, Teaching, Systematic Brainstorming
Research Skills: Agile Project Management, Graduate Research Writing, Research Presentation, Mind Mapping, Critical Thinking, Scrum
(Side note: I really enjoy and have a fine taste for Coffee, Soundtracks, Meditation, and Marvel Movies! :)
When I am not working, you can find me learning about research in other fields like neuroscience, physics, material science and so forth. Besides that, I enjoy cooking, hiking, adventure sports, badminton, reading, or just plainly sitting in a quiet place that soothes me.)
- SWE 211 Introduction to Software Engineering Fall 2021 Quarter, Prof. David Redmiles
- SWE 225 Information Retreival Winter 2021-2022, Prof. Pramit Choudhary
- SWE 212 Analysis of Programming Languages Spring 2022, Prof. Crista Lopes
- SWE 221 Software Architecture Fall 2022, Prof. Sam Malek
- COMPSCI 295 Innovation and Product Development Winter 2023, Prof. David Ochi
- IN4MATX 205 Quantitative Research Methodologies, Spring 2023, Prof. Gloria Mark