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As of 2022 this repository is considered legacy and may not be updated to reflect regulation data changes that will go into effect in 2024. Please visit our Cal-RIPA project for the most current code.


California Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA - AB953)

The San Diego County Sheriff's Department is developing this application to share and collaborate with the California L.E. community at large.

The RIPA App is a mobile first web application for phones and MDCs to capture stop information directly in the field. It is completely stand-alone and has no third party system integrations.

Demo Site

You can try out the application here: RIPA Demo Site

Feature Highlight

  • Semi offline
    • Cached lookups
    • Stop in progress
  • Templates
  • Pull forward on multiples
  • Reverse geocoding
  • Instrumentation
  • Dark Mode
  • Regulation reference links
  • JSON documents
  • CA DOJ Submission tool with error correction capability
  • Tabular views for JSON data


The application is built using MSFT ASP.NET MVC/WEBAPI with Entity Foundation and ReactJS views.

  • IIS (SSL is recommended)
  • SQL Server 2016
  • Visual Studio
  • Windows Authentication

How To Get Started

Database Setup - On the package manager console in VS, add a new migration add-migration myMigration and update the database update-database, which you will need to point to in the web.config file. Alternatively, if you don't want to mess with migrations, you can implement the SQL script in the SQL folder (database_fromscratch.sql).

The SQL folder also has a script for the lookup tables, along with sample data. It is recommended that you set up a repeatable process to update the lookup tables from California DoJ directly.

Releases - is a release build with a generic web.config. This will allow you to use the latest code without compiling in Visual Studio. Make sure to update it with your agency's specific information.

IIS Setup - Set up a new web application, turn on Windows Authentication and set up your port 443/https bindings, a dev cert will suffice, unless you are setting up production. Make sure the application pool identity has read/write access to the database you set up in the previous step.

RIPALogs Directory setup for logging DOJ Submissions If you have 2 servers, the following steps should be done on both.

  1. Create RIPALogs directory under C: or D: drive.
  • Right click on the directory and get to Properties.
  • Under Security tab, click on Edit and add your service account and give it full access to this directory.
  1. In IIS "Add Virtual Directory" under your RIPA website.
  • Alias: RIPALogs
  • Physical path: D:\RIPALogs or C:\RIPALogs
  1. In Web.config:
  <add key="LogFilePath1" value="C:\RIPALogs" />
  <add key="Server1" value="\\server01\" />
  <add key="Server2" value="\\server02\" />

Or if you don't have a second server, for load balancing, just leave the value for Server1 and Server2 empty:

  <add key="LogFilePath1" value="C:\RIPALogs" />
  <add key="Server1" value="" />
  <add key="Server2" value="" />

Update Web.config - Make sure you update the app settings in Web.config with your agency specific information.

<add key="reverseGeoURI" value=""/><!-- See section for instructions about using the ESRI world geocoder -->
<add key="reverseBeatURI" value="https://myReverseBeatGeocodingService" />
<add key="agency" value="AG"/><!-- Must be 2 characters in length-->
<add key="ori" value="CA0000000"/>
<add key="test" value="false" />
<add key="forceCacheUpdate" value="false" />
<add key="allowedBackDateHours" value="24" />
<add key="expireCacheDays" value="14" />
<add key="domain" value="myDomain" /> <!-- NetBIOS -->
<add key="requireGroupMembership" value="true" />
<add key="authorized" value="User AD Group" />
<add key="authorizedAdmin" value="Admin AD Group" />
<add key="useBeats" value="0" /> <!-- 0 = Don't use beats, 1 = Show beats, 2 = Make beats mandatory -->
<add key="useAdditionalQuestions" value="0" /><!--  0 = Don't use, 1 = Use -->
<add key="useContractCity" value="0" /><!-- 0 = Don't use, 1 = Use-->
<add key="useContractEvent" value="0" /><!-- 0 = Don't use, 1 = Use-->
<add key="county" value="Your County" /><add key="DOJWebApiUrl" value="https://dojTestSubmissionURL" />
<add key="DOJWebApiUrl" value="https://dojSubmissionURL" />
<add key="DOJUrlConnectTest" value="https://dojTestSubmissionURL" />
<add key="LogFilePath1" value="" />
<add key="Server1" value="" />
<add key="Server2" value="" />
<add key="InitStrtSubDate" value="Start date of RIPA Collection YYYY-MM-DD" />

Using the ESRI World Geocoder

If you don't have a local ESRI locator available for your agency you can use this public ESRI endpoint to implement reverse geocoding which uses your device's geolocation information if available after user consent.

Update Web.config - Set the reverseGeoURI key as follows.

<add key="reverseGeoURI" value=""/>

In the file RIPASTOP/Scripts/react/RIPAForm.jsx replace the code starting on line 449-463 with this:

var streetNum = e.address.Address.substr(0, e.address.Address.indexOf(' '));
if (isNaN(streetNum)) {
    newblockNumber = '';
    newStreetName = e.address.Address;
else {
    newblockNumber = this.floorInteger(streetNum);
    newStreetName = e.address.Address.substr(e.address.Address.indexOf(' ') + 1);
// check if e.address.City is in 
var city = "";
if ( || {
    city = e.address.City

Using the PIIFinder Utility

The most effective way to discover PII data in the Basis for Search and Reason for Search narrative fields is to use the PIIFinder Utility that we have published on GitHub. This utility uses a pre-trained natural language processing model (ML) that can quickly identify named entities.

Follow the instructions to set up the application here:

To Extract data from RIPA for input in PIIFinder, use the script this script:

You can use the Stops Edit feature in the RIPA App admin menu to correct the PII that you find. You will need to enter a reason before you can save any changes, and everything is captured in the audit table.