- Implemented
- Base attributes: Health, Mana, Stamina,
- Core attributes: Strength, Agility, Intelligence,
- Battle attributes: Armor, Movement Speed, Attack Speed etc.
- Attribute widgets appear on HUD dynamically, when a pawn is possessed by player.
- Parry window while blocking.
- Blocking damages stamina, while parrying returns damage to source' stamina.
- Any number of maximum jumps can be used, just by modifying an attribute.
- Jump recharge effect occurs to refill number of jumps to maximum.
- Also updating character walk speed in level based on a movement-speed attribute.
- Implemented disable statuses from DotA 2 such as root, disarm, silence, stun etc.
- Implemented using Gameplay Cues with appropriate animation across a multiplayer network.
- Created an Asynchronous method (latent action) that can send a target data to server.
- The ability sends the target data to server, and upon receiving, the appropriate ability action is performed.
- So a player can blink to a target location that was set by local input values, and action will be performed by Server.
- Triggering a passive ability based on an event.
- Break effect prevents the passive ability from activating.
- Implemented Mana Burn from dota - notice how mana is damaged on melee hit, and when passive is disabled (break effect) mana burn does not happen.
- Utilized Curve Tables for Gameplay Effect values for a data-driven approach.
- Used Magnitude Modifer Calculation Class for complex calculation of an effect modifier.
- Also used Effect Execution Class to perform operation on a running effect.
- Health damaged/healed using a distinct meta-attribute.
- Also refining the damage received through damage reduction from magical or physical damage, as in DotA 2.
- Stacking an effect that overflows to perform another effect.