The term fractal was first used by mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in 1974, he based it on the Latin word fractus, meaning "broken" or "fractured". A fractal is an abstract mathematical object, like a curve or a surface, which has a similar pattern whatever the scale.
This is the first project in which we use the graphical library miniLibX
This project also gives the opportunity to make use of the mathematical notion of complex numbers and to take a peek at the concept of optimization in computer graphics.
• The software should offer the Julia set and the Mandelbrot set.
• Mouse wheel zooms in and out.
• Use at least a few colors to show the depth of each fractal.
• A parameter is passed on the command line to define what type of fractal will be viewed. If no parameter is provided, or if the parameter is invalid, the program displays a list of available parameters and exits properly.
Install its dependencies:
sudo apt-get install gcc make xorg libxext-dev libbsd-dev
Clone minilibx repo:
$ git clone
Run the config tool:
For more details, check miniLibx repository Readme
To compile the program, run:
$ make
Execute the software, providing the name of the fractal set and the seed, when necessary:
$ ./fractol julia -0.73 0.14
Avaliable sets: