Tutorial to be presented online in the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2022 edition, including hands-on activities and exercises.
- Pedro de Carvalho Braga Ilidio Silva (master student) @pedroilidio
- Hemanoel Passarelli Araujo (PhD candidate) @Passarelli-bio
- Vinícius Henrique Franceschini dos Santos (undergraduate student) @vhfsantos
- Renato Augusto Corrêa dos Santos, PhD @SantosRAC
Researchers at different education levels with interest in learning programming skills for bioinformatics.
Level of programming skills: beginners.
- Introduce Google Colab digital notebooks
- Present the basic logic and data structures in Python
- Provide hands-on experience in analyzing biological sequences using Biopython
- Folder "Digital_Notebooks"
- Tutorial_JupyterNotebook_Colab.ipynb: basic introduction to Colab and overview of its main functionalities.
- ISMB_2022_Python.ipynb: complete notebook with the hands-on activity proposed to our ISMB 22 tutorial: Introduction to Python programming for bioscientists.
- Folder "Data"
- Wuhan-Hu-1_19A.fasta: FASTA file containing a spike protein sequence of the reference strain.
- spike_proteins.fasta: contains additional FASTA sequences, that correspond to other virus variants.
- clustal_spike_msa.txt: a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of the spike proteins to explore mutations.
- envelope_protein.fasta: FASTA file containing a sequence of envelope protein.
- surface_glycoprotein.fasta: FASTA file containing a sequence of surface glycoprotein.
- nucleocapsid_phosphoprotein.fasta: FASTA file containing a sequence of nucleocapsid phosphoprotein.
- Folder "Initial_Proposal"
- ISMB 2022 - Tutorial Proposal.pdf: PDF with the proposal submitted to ISMB organization.
- v1.0.0 - initial version (sent to Steven Learn on June 29)