This repository contains C++ implementations of various process scheduling algorithms:
- First Come First Serve (FCFS)
- Shortest Remaining Time First (SRT)
- Round Robin (RR)
- Shortest Job First (SJF)
Each algorithm is implemented in its respective file. The main program, main.cpp, reads process information from input files, simulates the scheduling algorithms, and prints out the results.
- PCB.h: Defines the Process Control Block (PCB) structure used to represent individual processes.
- PCBFuns.h: Contains helper functions used in scheduling algorithms.
- algorithms.cpp: Contains implementations of the scheduling algorithms.
- main.cpp: The main program that orchestrates the simulation and prints results.
- processes/: Directory containing input files for different scheduling algorithms.
Compilation: Compile the program using a C++ compiler. For example:
g++ main.cpp -o scheduler
Input Files: Prepare input files in the processes/ directory. Each input file should follow the format specified below:
<context_switch_time> <quantum_time> <process_id> <arrival_time> <CPU_burst_time> <size_in_bytes>
Execution: Run the compiled program, providing the number of processes as a command-line argument. For example:
Output: The program will display Gantt charts and various statistics for each scheduling algorithm.
Each input file should contain the following information:
The first line specifies the context switch time and quantum time.
Each subsequent line represents a process, with the following fields separated by spaces:
- Process ID
- Arrival time
- CPU burst time
- Size in bytes
Example input file (FCFS.txt):
2 4 1 0 8 1024 2 1 6 512 3 3 10 2048
The program generates Gantt charts and calculates the following statistics for each scheduling algorithm:
- Average Waiting Time
- Average Turnaround Time
- CPU Utilization Rate